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| Neurolunch: Spring & Fall 2007 |
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Event Date: 1.9.2007
Day: Tuesday
Time: 12:00 noon
Location: 800 Fairchild
Event Type: Neurolunch
Master Schedule
Spring 2007
Jan 9 - Ayako Yamaguchi - Boston University
Title: "Sexually distinct vocal pattern generation in African clawed frog"
May 1- Scott Small - Columbia University
Title:"Zooming in on Alzheimer's Disease: From MRI maps to Molecular Mechanisms"
May 9 - Ben Shykind - Columbia University
Title: " The Generation of Neuronal Diversity in the Mouse Olfactory System"
June 5 - Wei Chen - Yale University
Title: "Mapping odor representation and processing with a genetically encoded calcium indicator"
Fall 2007
Sep 4 - Fuqiang Xu - Chinese Academy of Science
Title: "Application of fMRI in the Olfactory System of Rodents"
Nov 13 - Josh Schwartz - Pace University
Title: "A touch of gray: communication and mate choice in the treefrog Hyla versicolor"