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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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They came over to see me after he was, I guess after they had pretty much decided that he was a Jew and they didn't want him and asked me point blank whether he was a Jew. And I said, “Good Lord, no. But what difference does it make?” “Well, he's working for a Jewish company.” Now, this is just before World War II.


Oh my gosh.


So you're in an environmental situation that you wouldn't have known about unless you read about it.

No, in fact my uncle who was editor of the Deseret News, if that's the name of it in Salt Lake City, owned by the Mormon Church -- He was not a Mormon -- God forbid, my mother would've had a fit. He was her only brother. But he -- when he hard I'd left Ohio State and gone to CBS, he wrote me a very frank letter saying he thought I was wrong that I'd gone to work for Jews. In the first place, he didn't think I should live in new York City. I'm sure that the Jewish component had something to do with that. But the fact that I worked in a Jewish company, he thought was wrong. And he was a journalist, an editor, a guy who had a distinguished career as an editor in Salt Lake City, taking that position in 1935.


Well, it sounds like your college experience was very instructive about what was going to happen later.



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