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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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Session:         Page of 755

respond. And, he in the meantime, had gone on to Princeton for his junior and senior year. And never was really that close to the fraternity. So that whether he ever resigned from the fraternity or not I don't know. He died some years ago.

But I thought so much of him that when I -- And he worked at the New York Times when he was on campus at Princeton. He was a student correspondent, I guess. When I began to move up through management at CBS, I brought him in to CBS to organize a library and reference department, which the company hadn't had and which I discovered we needed sorely. And I brought Bill back from Princeton--


Bill back? What was his name? I'm sorry.


His name was Ackerman.


Oh, Bill Ackerman


Curiously enough, on the Jewish issue, when Bill moved to New York to organize the department for me, he applied for membership in the University Club, because our company headquarters were at 52nd and Madison and the University Club -- What? Fifty- fourth and Fifth. So it was very convenient. And Bill applied and he came from Mount Vernon, Ohio. His father was a banker. Head of the biggest and, I guess, maybe the only bank in Mount Vernon. But a very respected citizen. And Bill applied for membership in the University Club and was turned down. He was turned down because the name Ackerman -- they thought he was a Jew and they didn't want him in the University Club.

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