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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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Session:         Page of 755

And I carried that over into all of my work that I did at CBS, because I said to the people who buy radio: It's what happens at the cash register. Forget whether they like your commercial. That's our program, from the standpoint of programming. But what you're interested in is what does the person do after he hears it? So, I had to develop techniques for measuring the movement of products over the grocery shelves. And that was easy then because we had purer samples either way. Today it's much tougher.


So you observed part of this in both places: that people often say they do or like one thing, and act in a very different manner.


Kids do it. My students were telling me they read things that I knew they were telling me, they read only to impress me or to impress their peers. If you cross-examined them on it, they went to pieces. And a lot of people do that about what products they use. There is a certain snob appeal to some products that -- People would go up and put antennas on their houses when they didn't have television sets to impress their neighbors. The proof of the whole political process isn't what you say you're going to do, it's what you do when you get into the polling booth. And that's why exit polling is a step in that direction. But this is a whole other area of my life. Aren't you about of time? It's 11:25.


Well, I do know you have to get downtown by 12:00, so maybe we should stop for today.


Is this the kind of thing you normally want?


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