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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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Session #3
Interviewee: Frank Stanton
Interviewer: Mary Marshall Clark
New York City
Date: March 14, 1991.


This is March 14, and we're beginning Session Three. I'm in the office of Dr. Frank Stanton. Good morning, Doctor Stanton.


Good morning to you.


Let's start today by backtracking a little bit from where we were last time -- of you being offered the presidency of CBS. Let's go back a little and talk about some of the work you did outside the studios, particularly with Paul Lazarsfeld. And for the transcriber that's L.A.Z.A.R.S.F.E.L.D..-- I can't spell on tape. I'll write it down later.


Well, first Paul was a very strong personality in my life. I use the word “personality” because he was a personality in many ways. I have to go back a little bit ahead of Paul because there was a period shortly after I came to CBS when I wasn't sure I wanted to stay. I had been offered an opportunity at MIT as an assistant professor. And while I wasn't sure that I wanted to go in that direction, it caused me to think a little bit more about whether I wanted to stay in business. I was excited about radio but there were some things about the commercial world that I found totally foreign to anything that I was prepared to deal with. Nothing sinister in saying that, it was just that I was naive and couldn't comprehend some of the things that people in business took for granted. Some place along the line, shortly, I believe, before I came to CBS, I ran across writings by Hadley Cantril.

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