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know -- I would guess today they're funded on a project by project basis. I don't know this. But the luxury of a little extra side pocket money, I doubt that that exists anymore, but I could be wrong.
But it did exist when you were there.
It did exist prior to my chairmanship and we managed to collect a little extra money so that we could do things that we saw the need for, and not necessarily the Air Force saw the need for. Frequently when we did things like that the Air Force was delighted because they --
They benefitted.
These were things that they hadn't thought of and we brought a different viewpoint.
Were there times when they weren't delighted? Were there any projects that were worked on that they were upset about?
I don't recall any specifically but I'm sure there were. And we got caught up in the scandal having to do with one of the people at RAND who got involved in -- this was after I left RAND but it could have happened while I was there -- Now, I can't even remember what it was. It was the Pentagon Papers, the leak of the Pentagon Papers. That leak came through, one of those leaks came through RAND. One of the --
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