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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
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Session:         Page of 755


Yes. The guy who -- his name escapes me at the moment but I know exactly who you're talking about. He was with RAND for awhile.


Yes, well, that came out of Santa Monica. And that was a bleak period for RAND because the military was up in arms that those papers were seen by people who shouldn't have seen them.

But if you're going to have bright people and you're going to have a Vietnam War, you're going to have that kind of a problem.


That's right.


I don't know whether RAND has any of those difficulties. It's been a long time since I've been close to it. I've done things for RAND in the sense that right now they're trying to raise -- I think fifty million dollars for an endowment fund -- and I'm meeting with some of the officers and other trustees to plan the campaign to raise that money. So I haven't lost touch entirely, but I haven't been to a RAND board meeting -- I think I've sat in maybe two or three since I retired. The day that Agnew announced -- Vice President [Spiro T.] Agnew -- announced that he was going to attack the News Departments of the networks --


What a day.


-- I was sitting underground at the RAND headquarters, chairing a RAND board meeting, when I got a signal from the head of our Law Department that this was about to

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