


kyaa ham bayaa;N kisuu se kare;N apne haa;N kii :tar;h
kii ((ishq ne ;xaraabii se is ;xaandaa;N kii :tar;h

1) how would we express to anyone the style/manner of our place?!
2) passion has made the foundation of this household from/with desolation/difficulty



:tar;h : 'Throwing; ejection; laying (a foundation); fixing (a position, &c.); foundation (of a building, &c.); position, establishment, location; plan, design; form, description, sort, kind; manner, mode'. (Platts p.752)


;xaraabii : 'Ruin, destruction, desolation; badness, corruption, depravity; noxiousness, ill, evil, mischief, perdition; misery, trouble, affliction; difficulty, perplexity'. (Platts p.488)

S. R. Faruqi:

:tar;h = style
:tar;h karna = to lay a foundation

In all three verses the word :tar;h has been used in a very creative and distinctive style. The opening-verse is a good example of an 'implicative' [kinaayaatii] style of expression. In the first line he has mentioned only 'of our place'; in the second line, by saying 'this household' he has expressed the individuality of his place, and in this way he has established his own individuality as well.

Then, ;xaraabii se :tar;h karnaa is fine in the meaning that the material that was used in the foundation of this household is ;xaraabii -- that is, destruction, ruin, and desolation. And the second meaning is also fine: that passion has laid the foundation of this household with ;xaraabii -- that is, with great difficulty. That is, Passion was not willing that this household should be established, with great difficulty it consented to this establishment. In both cases, only/emphatically Passion is declared to be the founder of our household.



It's really the versatility of that little se that energizes the verse. For ;xaraabii se can be read in two ways:

='from desolation'-- that is, 'desolation' was the construction material used by Passion

='with desolation'-- that is, 'desolation' was the style or method used by Passion

Then of course 'desolation' is just a place-holder; ;xaraabii itself has a wide range of meanings (see the definition above).

Note for meter fans: In the refrain, the official last syllable is the long syllable :tar , while the final ;h is what I call a 'cheat syllable' that is ignored in the scansion. The word can be scanned either as :tar;h , long-short, which is used in the present ghazal and reflects the official Arabic pronunciation; or as :tara;h , short-long, the scansion (and pronunciation) that is far more common; see for example :tara;h-daarii in {1374,9}.