- Communication within Firms: Evidence from CEO Turnovers (with Stephen Michael Impink and Raffaella Sadun). Management Science, forthcoming.
The Visible Hand: Episode 9: Communication in Organizations.
- Is Journalistic Truth Dead? Measuring How Informed Voters Are about Political News (with Charles Angelucci). American Economic Review, 114(4): 887-925, April 2024.
Ideas Made to Matter: What factors affect Americans' ability to identify real news?
The Hill: How much do Americans know about the news?
- Competing Models (with Jose Luis Montiel-Olea, Pietro Ortoleva, and Mallesh Pai). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(4): 2419-2457, November 2022.
Attention Oligopoly (with Tommaso Valletti). AEJ Micro, 14(3): 530-557, August 2022.
Antitrust Writing Awards, 2022: Economics Academic Articles, Winner
Vox: Merger Policy in the Age of Facebook
- Organizational Capital, Corporate Leadership, and Firm Dynamics (with Wouter Dessein). Journal of Political Economy, 130(6): 1477-1536, June 2022.
Vox: Three Perspectives on How Management Affects Performance
- The Allocation of Authority in Organizations: A Field Experiment with Bureaucrats (with Oriana Bandiera, Michael Best, and Adnan Khan). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136(4): 2195-2242, November 2021.
The Visible Hand: Episode 41: The Allocation of Authority in Organizations
Vox: Autonomy -- not rules -- may be a government's best weapon in the fight against corruption
- Do Women Respond Less to Performance Pay? Building Evidence from Multiple Experiments (with Oriana Bandiera, Greg Fischer, and Erina Ytsma). AER Insights, 3(4): 435-54, December 2021. .
World Bank: Do women respond to performance pay differently than men?
- CEO Behavior and Firm Performance (with Oriana Bandiera, Stephen Hansen, and Raffaella Sadun). Journal of Political Economy, 128(4): 1325-69, April 2020.
Harvard Business Review: A Survey of How 1,000 CEOs Spend Their Day Reveals What Makes Leaders Successful
Freakonomics podcast: What Does a CEO Actually Do?
- The Contingent Effect of Management Practices (with Steve Blader and Claudine Gartenberg). Review of Economic Studies, 87(2): 721-749, March 2020.
Atlantic Monthly: Data Can Make for Cutthroat Coworkers
- Where Do People Get Their News? (with Patrick Kennedy). Economic Policy, Volume 34, Issue 97, January 2019, Pages 5-47,
Vox: Information Inequality
- Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance (with Claudine Gartenberg and George Serafeim). Organization Science, 30(1), 2019.
Harvard Business Review: The Type of Purpose That Makes Companies More Profitable
Forbes: Make Every Employee A Chief Purpose Officer
- Media Power. Journal of Political Economy, 126(4): 1747-83, August 2018.
Vox: How Can We Measure Media Power?
Slate: Can Fox News Get Trump Elected?
- Transparency and Deliberation within the FOMC: A Computational Linguistics Approach (with Stephen Hansen and Michael McMahon). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(2): 801-870, May 2018.
The Economist: Transparency and Central Banking: More Data, Less Gumption
- Managing the Family Firm: Evidence from CEOs at Work (with Oriana Bandiera, Renata Lemos, and Raffaella Sadun). Review of Financial Studies, 31(5): 1605-1653, 1 May 2018. (Editor's Choice)
Forbes: Family CEOs Spend Less Time At Work.
Wall Street Journal: Do CEOs of Family-Owned Businesses Work Less?
- Sellers with Misspecified Models (with Kristóf Madarász). Previously circulated as "Screening with an Approximate Type Space." Review of Economic Studies, 84(2): 790-815, April 2017.
- Managerial Attention and Worker Performance (with Marina Halac), American Economic Review, 106(10): 3104-32, October 2016.
- Spatial Asset Pricing: A First Step (with Francois Ortalo-Magné), Economica, 83(329): 130-171, January 2016.
- Media Capture and Media Power. In Handbook of Media Economics (eds. S. Anderson, J. Waldfogel, and D. Stromberg), Vol. 1b, North Holland, 2015.
- Matching Firms, Managers, and Incentives (with Oriana Bandiera, Luigi Guiso, and Raffaella Sadun), Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 33, Issue 3, pp. 623-681, July 2015.
- Communication and Influence (with Antoni Calvó-Armengol and Joan de Martí), previously circulated as "Endogenous Communication in Complex Organizations," Theoretical Economics, Volume 10, Number 2 (May 2015), 649-690.
- The Real Effects of Relational Contracts (with Steve Blader, Claudine Gartenberg, and Rebecca Henderson), American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings , May 2015.
- On the Political Economy of Urban Growth: Homeownership against Affordability (with Francois Ortalo-Magné). American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 6(1), 154-81, 2014.
- The Political Economy of Mass Media (a survey with David Strömberg. In Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society, 2013.
- Organizational Economics with Cognitive Costs (a survey with Luis Garicano), In Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society, 2013.
- Is Private Campaign Finance a Good Thing? Estimates of the Potential Informational Benefits
(with Riccardo Puglisi and James Snyder),
Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 5(3): 892-925, March 2011.
- Institutional Trade Persistence and Long-Term Equity Returns (with Amil Dasgupta and Michela Verardo),
previously circulated as "The Price of Conformism," Journal of Finance, 6692):635-53, April 2011.
- The Price Impact of Institutional Herding (with Amil Dasgupta and Michela Verardo),
Review of Financial Studies, 24(3): 892-925, March 2011.
- Active and Passive Waste in Government Spending: Evidence from a Policy Experiment (with Oriana Bandiera and Tommaso Valletti), American Economic Review,
99(4): 1278-1308, September 2009.
- Information aggregation in financial markets with career concerns, (with Amil
Dasgupta), Journal of Economic Theory, 143(1): 83-113, November 2008.
- Language and the Theory of the Firm (with Jacques
Cremer and Luis
Garicano), Quarterly Journal of Economics 122(1): 373-407, February 2007.
- Handcuffs
for the Grabbing Hand? The Role of the Media in Political
Accountability (with Timothy
Besley), American Economic Review, 96(3): 720-736, June 2006.
- Financial Equilibrium with Career Concerns (with Amil
Dasgupta), Theoretical Economics, forthcoming, Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2006.
- The
Wrong Kind of Transparency, American Economic Review, 95(3): 862-877, June 2005. For a previous version with additional material, click here.
- Games
Played through Agents (with Aldo
Rustichini), Econometrica 71(4), 2003.
- Risk
Taking and Optimal Contracts for Money Managers (with
Palomino), RAND Journal of Economics 34(1):
113-137, 2003.
- Should
a Team Be Homogeneous? European Economic Review
(46)7: 1187-1207, 2002.
- Campaign
Advertising and Voter Welfare Review of Economic
Studies 69(4): 997-1017, 2002.
- Campaign
Spending with Office-Seeking Politicians, Rational Voters,
and Multiple Lobbies Journal of Economic Theory
103(1): 162-189, 2002.
- The
Value of Public Information in Monopoly (with Marco
Ottaviani), Econometrica 69(6): 1673-1683, 2001.
- Spectrum
Auctions versus Beauty Contests: Costs and Benefits (with
Valletti), Rivista di Politica Economica 91(3):
59-110, 2001.
- Inefficient
Equilibria in Lobbying (with Georg
Kirchsteiger), Journal of Public Economics
(82)3: 349-375, 2001.
- Hierarchies
of Processors with Endogenous Capacity, Journal of
Economic Theory, 77(1), p. 214-222, 1997.
- Shared
Knowledge vs. Diversified Knowledge in Teams, Journal of
the Japanese and International Economies, 10, 181-195,