Photo Harborne W. Stuart, Jr.
[email protected]

2013 - Adjunct Professor, Business School & School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Columbia University
2010 - 2012 Visiting/Clinical Professor, NYU Stern School of Business
2008 - 2010 Visiting Associate Professor, NYU Stern School of Business
2007 - 2008 Visiting Associate Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
1999 - 2007 Associate Professor, Columbia Business School
1992 - 1999 Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School

1992 Ph.D. in Decision Sciences, Harvard University
1988 M.S. in Engineering Sciences, Harvard University
1978 B.A. in Mathematics, Harvard University

Development of business theory using game-theoretic approaches. Research includes the further development of "value-based strategy," which studies businesses as the central players in economic value creation, and "interactive decision theory," which takes strategic uncertainty as the primary focus. Application of the research is principally to the fields of strategy, negotiation, and operations.

The Profitability Test: Does Your Strategy Make Sense?, 2016, MIT Press.
( Available Here )

Research Papers
"The Other Person's Choices," Negotiation Journal, Spring, 2020, 207-211.

"Substitution, Complementarity, and Stability," International Game Theory Review, 21, 2019.
( Paper Here )

"Contingent Contracts and Value Creation," Group Decision and Negotiation, 26, 2017, 815-827.
( Paper Here )

"Value Gaps and Profitability," Strategy Science, 1, 2016, 56-70.
( Paper Here )

"Value Creation: A Coordination Game," Negotiation Journal, April, 2011, 171-190.

"Creating Monopoly Power," IJIO 25, 2007, 1011-1025.
( Paper Here )

"Buyer Symmetry in Monopoly," IJIO 25, 2007, 615-630.
( Paper Here )

"Biform Games," with Adam Brandenburger, Management Science 53, 2007, 537-549.
( Paper (Pre-publication) )( Online Appendix (Pre-Publication) )( Additional Online Material )

"Biform Analysis of Inventory Competition," Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 7:4, 2005, 347-359.
( Paper )(reproduced with permission)

"Efficient Spatial Competition," Games and Economic Behavior 49, 2004, 345-362.

"Surprise Moves in Negotiation," Negotiation Journal, April, 2004, 239-251.

"An Epistemic Analysis of the Harsanyi Transformation," with Hu Hong, International Journal of Game Theory, 30:4, 2001, 517-525.

"Cooperative Games and Business Strategy," in K. Chatterjee and W. F. Samuelson, eds., Game Theory and Business Applications, Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2001.
( Paper (Pre-publication) )

"Common Belief of Rationality in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma," Games and Economic Behavior 19, 1997, 133-143.

"The Supplier-Firm-Buyer Game and Its M-sided Generalization," Mathematical Social Sciences 34, 1997, 21-27.

"Value-based Business Strategy," with Adam Brandenburger, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 5:1, 1996, 5-24.
( Paper )(reproduced with permission)

Cases, Teaching Materials, and Course Guides
"Financing Terms in the EOQ Model," teaching note, 2004.
( Paper )

"Pricing for Profit: The UK Credit Card Industry in the Late 1980s (A) - (D)," Harvard Business School cases 9-897-168 through 9-897-171 (1997).

"A Bankruptcy Problem from the Talmud," with Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff, Harvard Business School case 9-795-087 (1995).

"Credit Card Pricing," Harvard Business School case 9-895-025 (1994).

"Harnischfeger Industries: Portal Cranes," with Adam Brandenburger, Harvard Business School case 9-391-130 (1991).

"An Introduction to Business-Centered Economics," with Scott Borg and Adam Brandenburger, course guide.

"Quantitative Methods," with Arthur Schleifer and Patrick Sileo, course guide.

Columbia Business School Game-theoretic Business Strategy
Managerial Negotiations
Operations Management
Operations Strategy
Harvard Business School Competition and Strategy
Data, Decisions, and Negotiations
Economics of Markets
Economics of Strategy
Managerial Economics
Quantitative Methods
MIT Sloan School Strategic Management
NYU Stern Conflict, Collaboration, and Negotiation
Game Theory
Systems Manager, Corporate MIS Department. Developed information system strategy for a 60 million dollar manufacturer of microwave components. Expanded department capabilities to provide management support to operating divisions. Hired a staff of business analysts to identify operating problems solvable by improved procedures or information. Directed programmers in the development of new systems. Managed the implementation of various manufacturing, accounting, and control systems.
Systems Analyst/Administrator, Systems Division. Designed and implemented planning and control systems for the management of the Systems Division.
Parts Manager. Managed staff of assemblers producing component parts for high-performance racing shells.

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