Approximations for Point Processes and the Steady-State Performance of Queueing Networks;
and Characterization of Traffic in Communications Networks
The Equivalence of Functional Central Limit Theorems for Counting Processes and Associated Partial Sums.
Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol. 42, No. 4, August 1971,
pp. 1372-1378 (with Donald L. Iglehart).
Some Useful Functions for Functional Limit Theorems.
Mathematics of Operations Research,
vol. 5, No. 1, February 1980, pp. 67-85.
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Approximating a Point Process by a Renewal Process: The View Through a Queue, An Indirect Approach.
Management Science, vol. 27, No. 6, June 1981, pp. 619-636.
Approximating a Point Process by a Renewal Process: Two Basic Methods.
Operations Research, vol. 30, No. 1, January-February 1982, pp. 125-147.
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Queue Tests for Renewal Processes.
Operations Research Letters,
vol. 2, No. 1, April 1983, pp. 7-12.
The Queueing Network Analyzer.
Bell System Technical Journal,
vol. 62, No. 9, November 1983, pp. 2779-2815.
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Departures from a Queue with Many Busy
Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 9,
No. 4, November 1984, pp. 534-544.
Approximations for Departure Processes and Queues in Series.
Naval Research Logistics Quarterly,
vol. 31, No. 4, December 1984, pp. 499-521.
[published PDF]
The Best Order for Queues in Series.
Management Science, vol. 31, No. 4, April 1985, pp. 475-487.
[published PDF]
Characterizing Superposition Arrival Processes and the Performance of
Multiplexers for Voice and Data.
Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference,
New Orleans, December 1985, vol. 2, pp. 25.4.1-7 (with K. Sriram).
Queues with Superposition Arrival Processes in Heavy Traffic.
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications,
vol. 21, No. 1, December 1985, pp. 81-91.
Characterizing Superposition Arrival Processes in Packet Multiplexers for Voice and Data.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
vol. SAC-4, No. 6, September 1986, pp. 833-846 (with K. Sriram).
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The Influence of Service-Time Variability in a Closed
Network of Queues.
Performance Evaluation,
vol. 6, September 1986, pp. 219-234
(with Andreé B. Bondi).
A Light-Traffic Approximation for Single-Class Departure Processes From Multi-Class Queues.
Management Science, vol. 34, No. 11, 1988, pp. 1333-1346.
Dependence in Packet Queues: A Multi-Class Batch-Poisson Model.
Teletraffic Science for New Cost-Effective Systems, Networks and Services,
Proceedings of ITC 12, (ed. M. Bonatti), North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1989, pp. 1450-1454 (with Kerry W. Fendick and Vikram R. Saksena).
Measurements and Approximations to Describe the Offered Traffic and Predict the Average Workload in a Single-Server Queue.
Proceedings of the IEEE,
vol. 77, No. 1, 1989, pp. 171-194, (with Kerry W. Fendick).
(Reprinted in Stochastic Analysis of Computer and Communication Systems (ed. H. Takagi),
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990, pp. 3-56.)
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Dependence in Packet Queues.
IEEE Transactions on Communications,
vol. 37, No. 11, 1989, pp. 1173-1183
(with Kerry W. Fendick and Vikram R. Saksena).
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Arranging Queues in Series: A Simulation Experiment.
Management Science, vol. 36, No. 2, 1990, pp. 1080-1091
eweth S. Suresh).
The Heavy-Traffic Bottleneck Phenomenon in Open Queueing Networks.
Operations Research Letters, vol. 9, No. 6, 1990, pp. 355-362
(with S. Suresh).
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Investigating Dependence in Packet Queues with the Index of Dispersion
for Work.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 39, No. 8, 1991, pp. 1231-1244 (with Kerry W. Fendick and Vikram R. Saksena).
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Departures from Many Queues in Series.
Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 1, No. 4, 1991, pp. 546-572 (with Peter W. Glynn).
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A Tandem Fluid Network with Lévy Input.
Queueing and Related Models, I. Basawa and U. N. Bhat eds., Oxford University Press, 1992,
pp. 112-128 (with Offer Kella).
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Tail Probabilities with Statistical Multiplexing and Effective Bandwidths in
Multiclass Queues.
Telecommunication Systems, vol. 2, 1993, pp. 71-107.
Towards Better Multi-Class Parametric-Decomposition Approximations for Open
Queueing Networks.
Annals of Operations Research,
vol. 48, 1994, pp. 221-248.
Variability Functions for Parametric-Decomposition Approximations of Queueing Networks.
Management Science,
vol. 41, No. 10, 1995, pp. 1704-1715.
Functional Large Deviation Principles for Waiting and Departure Processes.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol. 12, 1998, pp. 479-507 (with Anatolii Puhalskii).
Limits for Cumulative Input Processes to Queues.
Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences,
vol. 14, 2000, pp. 123-150.
BOOK: Stochastic-Process Limits, published by Springer in 2002 (602 pages).
Internet Supplement to the Book, published by Springer in 2002 (602 pages).