Ian McKeague

Department of Biostatistics
Mailman School of Public Health

e-mail: im2131 "at" columbia "dot" edu
address: Department of Biostatistics, Room R639, 722 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032
Teaching: Asymptotic Statistics (P9111). pdf file of syllabus.

Ian has a B.A., M.A. and M.Math from the University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1980. He was on the faculty of the Department of Statistics of the Florida State University, 1980-2004. He was on sabbatical leave at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute of the University of California at Berkeley, and then at the Laboratoire de Modalisation et Calcul of the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 1991-1992. He served as Chair of the FSU Statistics department, 1996-99, and was named the Ralph A. Bradley Professor of Statistics at FSU in 2000. He has been a Professor of Biostatistics at Columbia University since 2004. During 2021-2022 he was on leave from Columbia at the City University of Hong Kong as (founding) Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Biostatistics. His research interests include post-selection inference, empirical likelihood, order-restricted inference, non-standard asymptotics, statistical methods in physical oceanography, functional data analysis, inference for stochastic processes, survival analysis, competing risks models for HIV/AIDS data, Markov chain Monte Carlo and Bayesian methods, efficient estimation for semiparametric models, missing data, counting processes and spatial point processes. He has served as an associate editor of the Annals of Statistics for seven years, the Journal of the American Statistical Association for 11 years, and is currently serving on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Statistical Science, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, and the International Journal of Biostatistics. During 2020-2023 he is serving as Co-Editor of the Journal of the American Statistical Association. He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and a fellow of the American Statistical Association.

  • CV [pdf file]
  • Current research
  • MathSciNet
  • Math genealogy
  • NIH biosketch
  • CU Libraries
  • TDF
  • McKeague genealogy

  • Reconstructed ocean circulation (advection) showing alternating E-W jets and oxygen concentration (at a depth of 2 km) in the South Atlantic (reference: pdf file). Confidence tube for quantiles of serum cholesterol in three populations (reference: pdf file). Limit distributions for velocity: central limit theorem under the conditions of special relativity (reference: pdf file). Ground state and an excited state of a many interacting worlds approximation to the 3D quantum harmonic oscillator (reference: arXiv link).

    The initial `S' in Shakespeare's signature from the Welcombe Enclosure Agreement, 1614 (reference: pdf file). Noncommutative multiplicative cascade (reference: pdf).

    Reconstructed head circumference growth velocity trajectories (reference: pdf file).

    Durations of rule of Roman Emperors: 27 BC-235 AD (period 1), 235-284 AD (period 2), 284-395 AD (period 3) (reference: pdf file).