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Frank StantonFrank Stanton
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 755

Paley's office as I recall, but I think we met in what was Paley's dining room. And they told us that they were prepared to do that particular broadcast and what the broadcast would contain. We didn't see it -- I believe, you see, in those days we didn't have -- this was before the days of videotape -- so that they had part of that broadcast from the control room, part that was live. It was all scripted but it was a live production. The footage of McCarthy, for the most part, not for the most part -- all of it, was all from film clips. They offered to have us see it. But we both elected not to see it, because from a practical point of view, if they were going to get on the air that night, there wasn't any time to start revamping the program. The suggestion was made by Paley to be sure to say on the broadcast that we would offer time for McCarthy to reply. And that was done. Under the policy of fairness and balance, we wouldn't use the medium to castigate somebody without giving that person the right to speak his own piece and do as balanced a job as possible.

So, on that particular night, at I believe ten o'clock, Murrow did his broadcast and I guess for the next three or four days the only thing I gave my attention to was handling the mail and the protests and so forth. Everybody got into the act.


Who did you receive the most mail from? I mean, what were the different points of protest? Support of McCarthy or support of CBS?


Oh, no, supporting CBS or supporting Murrow. It was really supporting Murrow, not supporting CBS --


-- right --

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