


;Gairat se miir .saa;hib sab ja;zb ho ga))e the
niklaa nah buu;Nd lohuu siinah jo un kaa chiiraa

1) from honor/shame/modesty/disdain, Mir Sahib had become all absorption--
2) not a drop of blood emerged, when [someone] cleaved his breast



;Gairat : 'Jealousy, source or cause of jealousy; care of what is sacred or inviolable; a nice sense of honour; honour; courage, spirit; modesty, bashfulness, shame; —envy, emulation; disdain, indignation; enmity'. (Platts p.774)


ja;zb : 'Drawing, attraction; allurement; absorption'. (Platts p.378)

S. R. Faruqi:

Because of ;Gairat , for all to become ja;zb (that is, to become dry) is very fine. It was really the blood that became ja;zb , but since a person's becoming dried out is also called ja;zb , Mir created a meaning within a meaning.

Then there's also the pleasure that the cause of becoming dried out is not the burning of the heart, but rather is ;Gairat . He hasn't made clear what was the reason for the ;Gairat -- bad treatment by the Rivals, or favor shown to a Rival by the beloved, or the disrespect of the age, or regret over his own bad condition.

From his leaving the word ;Gairat by itself, so many possibilities have been created. It should be kept in mind that siinah can also mean 'heart'-- that is, by speaking of the container he has meant the thing contained. See




[See also {1494,2}.]



As SRF notes, the multivalence of ;Gairat is what really energizes the verse, since it opens so many possibilities that (as so often) remain piquant but unresolvable. For whatever ;Gairat -related reason, Mir Sahib had become so radically isolated and protective of his privacy that he wouldn't let anyone see anything of his inner life-- not even drops of his blood, and not even after his death.

This seems to be a 'neighbors' verse, in which a person with a respectful attitude toward 'Mir Sahib' is telling someone else about the sad and extraordinary circumstances of his death.

What about that 'cleaving' of his breast? Was it a form of slaughter, by which he was killed? Or was it done after his death, by curious physicians looking to understand his malady?