“Experimental Tests of Rational Inattention” (with Nathaniel Neligh), Journal of Political Economy, 131.12 (2023): 3415-3461.
“Econographics” (with Jonathan Chapman, Pietro Ortoleva, Erik Snowberg and Colin Camerer), Journal of Political Economy: Micro, 1.1 2023: 115-161
“The Effects of Community Health Worker Visits and Primary Care Subsidies on Health Behavior and Health Outcomes for Children in Urban Mali” (with Anja Sautmann), World Bank Economic Review, 2023, 37(3) 389-408
“Rationally Inattentive Behavior: Characterizing and Generalizing Shannon Entropy” (with Andrew Caplin and John Leahy), Journal of Political Economy, 2022, 130(6)
“Credit Constraints and the Measurement of Time Preferences” (with Anja Sautmann), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103(1): 119–135.
“The Empirical Relationship between Non-Standard Economic Behaviors” (with Pietro Ortoleva) - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019, 116(33): 16262-16267
PNAS version “here”. Also available is an earlier version of the paper under the title: “Is it All Connected? A Testing Ground for Unified Theories of Behavioral Economics Phenomena”
“Rational Inattention, Optimal Consideration Sets and Stochastic Choice” (with Andrew Caplin and John Leahy) - Review of Economic Studies, May 2019, 86(3): 1061–1094
“Limited Attention and Status Quo Bias” (with Özgür Kıbrıs and Yusufcan Masatlioglu), Journal of Economic Theory, May 2017, 169: 93-127
“Satisficing and Stochastic Choice” (with Victor Aguiar and Maria Jose Boccardi), Journal of Economic Theory, November 2016, 166: 445-482
“Allais, Ellsberg and Preferences for Hedging" (with Pietro Ortoleva), Theoretical Economics, January 2017), 12: 377–424
“Measuring Rationality with the Minimum Cost of Revealed Preference Violations" (with Daniel Martin), Review of Economics and Statistics, July 2016, 98(3): 524-534
“Revealed Preference, Rational Inattention, and Costly Information Acquisition” (with Andrew Caplin), American Economic Review, July 2015, 105 (7): 2183-2203
“Search and Satisficing” (with Andrew Caplin and Daniel Martin), American Economic Review, December 2011, 101 (7): 2899-2922
“Search, Choice and Revealed Preference (with Andrew Caplin), Theoretical Economics, January 2011, 6: 19-48
“Measuring Beliefs and Rewards: A Neuroeconomic Approach” (with Andrew Caplin, Paul Glimcher and
Robb Rutledge), Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2010, 125(3): 923-960
“Dopamine, Reward Prediction Error, and Economics” (with Andrew Caplin), Quarterly Journal of
Economics, May 2008 123(2): 663-701
“How can Neuroscience Inform Economics?” (with Ian Krajbich), Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, October 2015, Volume 4: 51-57
“A Game Theoretic Approach to Multimodal Communication” (with Alistair Wilson and James Higham), Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, September 2013, Volume 67(9): 1399-1415
“Testing the Reward Prediction Error Hypothesis with an Axiomatic Model” (with Robb Rutledge, Andrew Caplin and Paul Glimcher), Journal of Neuroscience, October 2010, 30(40):13525-1353
“Axiomatic Methods, Dopamine and Reward Prediction Error” (with Andrew Caplin), Current Opinion in
Neurobiology, August 2008, 18(2): 197-202
“Trading off Speed and Accuracy in Rapid, Goal-Directed Movements” (with Shih-Wei Woo and Laurence
Maloney), Journal of Vision, July 2007, 7(5): 1-12
“Enhanced Choice Experiments” (with Andrew Caplin), Chapter in The Method of Modern Experimental Economics, Guillaume Frechette and Andrew Schotter, eds, 2015
“What Can Neuroeconomics Tell Us About Economic Decisions (and Vice Versa)?”, Chapter in Comparative Decision Making, Philip Crowley and Thomas Zentall, eds, 2013
“Economic Insights from ‘Neuroeconomic’ Data” (with Andrew Caplin), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2008, 98(2): 169-174
“Axiomatic Neuroeconomics” (with Andrew Caplin), Chapter in Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain, Paul Glimcher, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr and Russell Poldrack, eds, 2008
“The Neuroeconomic Theory of Learning” (with Andrew Caplin), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2007, 97(2): 148-152
“Why has World Trade Grown Faster than World GDP?” (with Maria Sebastia-Barriel), Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Autumn 2004: 310-320
“Rational Choice Overload” (with Lucas de Lara) - Latest Version May 2024
“A Better Test of Choice Overload” (with Dilip Ravindran and Joerg Stoye) - Latest Version July 2024
“Subsidies, Information, and the Timing of Children's Health Care in Mali” (with Anja Sautmann and Samuel Brown) - Latest Version July 2024
“Willingness to Accept, Willingness to Pay and Loss Aversion” (with Jonathan Chapman, Pietro Ortoleva, Erik Snowberg and Colin Camerer) - Latest Version September 2024
“Preference for Flexibility and Random Choice: an Experimental Analysis” (with John McNeill) - Latest Version October 2020
“The Behavioral Implications of Rational Inattention with Shannon Entropy” (with Andrew Caplin) - Latest Version August 2013
“Status Quo Bias in Large and Small Choice Sets” - Latest Version November 2008
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