Visual Arts Program Supporters 2010-2011

Funding for the 2011 Thesis Exhibition is provided by

Emily Fisher Landau
The Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation.

Columbia University School of the Arts is supported in part by contributions from alumni and friends of the arts. These gifts provide student fellowships, educational programming and awards. For more information, or to make a contribution to the School of the Arts please contact Associate Dean of Development Roberta Albert at 212-854-7724 and [email protected]

The Visual Arts Program would like to extend a special thanks to its 2010 and 2011 contributors and recognize those for whom fellowships and awards have been named:

Contributors in 2010 and 2011
Anonymous (2)
A G Foundation
Mr. Paul R. Alter, Esq. and Ms. Jo Ann Alter
Ms. Stephanie Lerner Ansin
Artis - Contemporary Israeli Artist Fund
ATK Foundation
Mr. Brad Augustine
Mr. Gary L. Bandy
Ms. Ramona Bronkar Bannayan
Mr. Dennis R. Barrett and Mrs. Sharon Sue Carlson Barrett
J. T. Barrett, D.D.S.
The David Berg Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Michael B. Bogdanow
Mr. Kenneth R. Bookland
Mr. John M. Borchers and Ms. Anna L. Borchers
Mrs. Renee Borkow
Mr. Joseph B. Breed IV
Mrs. Carolyn M. Brown
Mrs. C. G. Burmeister
Ms. Marguerite Carlson
Mr. Jacob Collins
Mrs. Eugenie A. Diserio
Mrs. Gretchen Ericson
Mr. William H. Evans
Ms. Candia Fisher
Mr. Winston C. Fisher
Ms. Faith E. Genrich
Mr. Robert Anthony Girandola
Greenberg Traurig Philanthropic Fund
Gerald Grodstein, M.D.
Mr. Charles Gruppe
Ms. Agnes Gund
Ms. Wenda C. Habenicht
Mrs. Claire A. Heimarck
Mr. Donald S. Holt
Ms. Makiko Ito
Mrs. Verla J. Johansson
Ms. Susan R. Johnson
Mrs. Joan E. Jonas
Ms. Jerilyn J. Jurinek
Mrs. Caryl Roberts Kahn
Ms. Iona S. Kleinhaut
Mr. Setsuya Kotani
Mr. Edward M. Kozel
Ms. Emily Fisher Landau
Ms. Britta J. Landstrom
The Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation
Mrs. Margaret K. Lenz
Ms. Renee Brody Levow
Ms. Jill F. Lloyd
Lotos Foundation
Mrs. Penelope Manzella
Miss Jane E. McClintock
Ms. Alice G. McConnell
Mr. Fred G. Muehlfelder
Mr. Arthur S. Rosenbaum
The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund
Mrs. Sandra Shahinian Leitner
Daniel Shapiro, Esq.
Mrs. Mary Solon-Goers
Mrs. Diana T. Soorikian
Mr. Jan Staller
Aaron and Betty Lee Stern Foundation
Mr. John B. Stuppin
Ms. Sally Wilson Tippman
The Toby Fund
Mrs. Carrie R. Totten
Mr. Sandy Walker
Mr. Richard Wright
Mr. Joel Leon Young
Ms. Tanya Bonakdar
Mr. J. Michael Parish
Mr. Brent Sikkema
Ms. Andrea Woodner
Ms. Joan E. Jonas
Ms. Katherine Parker
Mr. W. Hern Pardee
Mr. Yeon J. Yue
Mr. Hugh, J. Freund

Named Awards and Fellowships
Aaron and Betty Lee Stern Foundation
George Raimes Beach Fund for Graphic Arts
Martin Birnbaum Fellowship
Faber Birren Fellowships
Brevoort-Eickemeyer Fellowship and Prize
Helen R. Elser Fellowship
The Andrew Fisher Fellowship
Morty Frank Traveling Fellowship
Ellen Gelman Endowed Fellowship
Marshall Glasier Endowed Fellowship for the Study of Drawing
D'Arcy Hayman Fellowships
Israel Artist Fund
Dong Kingman Fellowships
Toby Devan Lewis Fellowship Award
Edward Mazzella, Jr. Endowed Fellowship
LeRoy Neiman Endowed Fellowship
Marguerite P. Roche Endowed Fellowship
Joan Sovern Endowed Sculpture Award
Three Arts Club Endowed Fellowship
TOMS Scholarship
Visual Arts Program Fellowship
Visual Arts Student Support Fund

Curator: Larissa Harris

May 1 - May 22, 2011