In Memoriam
Professor Jaime Alazraki
The Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures is saddened to report the death of Professor Jaime Alazraki, 80, a specialist in Latin American literatures and cultures, on February 9, 2014 in Barcelona.
Twice distinguished as a recipient of the prestigious John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, Alazraki was world renowned for his many scholarly studies on Jorge Luis Borges. He returned to his beloved Columbia in 1988, after earning a Ph.D. in 1967, followed by professorial appointments at UC-San Diego and Harvard University.
Alazraki was born in Argentina in 1934, and studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem before moving to New York City in 1962 to begin his doctoral studies at Columbia. Alazraki served as Chair of the former Department of Spanish and Portuguese for several years, an unassuming and effective leader, until his retirement in the early 1990s.
Hispanic Institute for Latin American and Iberian Cultures
invites you to the release of
The Untranslatable Image: A Mestizo History of the Arts in New Spain, 1500-1600
by Alessandra Russo
Presented by
Serge Gruzinski (EHESS, Paris and Princeton University)
Alexander Nagel (Institute of Fine Arts / NYU)
April 16th, 7:30pm
Book Culture
536 West 112th Street
New York, NY 10025
(Reception to follow)
Hispanic Institute for Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University
Ford-LASA Special Projects 2014
Displaying Human Rights: Museums, Archives, and Post-Dictatorship in Latin America
Convener Joaquín Barriendos
April 24th -26th
Sessions will take place at:
Casa Hispánica
612 West 116th Street, Room 201
La Maison Française
Buell Hall Gallery
The Center for Mexican Studies
the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Mexican Mondays at Columbia University
March 31: Guillermo de la Peña, Cultural shock and social policy: indigenous urban families an the Oportunidades Program"
April 7: Serge Gruzinski, "El Aguila y el dragón: revisitar el pasado mexicano en una perspectiva global"
April 21: Jean Franco, "Biseccionado: Cultural consequences of a militarized border." May 5: Sabina Berman, “Hablar/talk”
802 International Affair, 4:00PM
Placement Examination
[If you are a Barnard student please go to:]
Please see our Placement Examination page.
Prospective Majors and Concentrators in Hispanic Studies and Portuguese Studies can find information here about the department and its academic programs. They may also contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for more information. If you wish to declare a major or a concentration in Hispanic Studies or a concentration in Portuguese Studies you must complete a Columbia College Major/Concentration Declaration Form, and have it signed by the DUS. School of General Studies students should obtain the requisite form from their adviser.
The Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University, located in the Casa Hispánica at 612 West 116th Street in New York, has long enjoyed an international reputation as a center for Hispanic and Lusophone studies. In addition to providing students with a commanding linguistic preparation in Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan, the department offers a flexible and varied undergraduate program that enables them to study the cultural manifestations of the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds in all historical periods—from the medieval to the globalized present—and in a variety of cultural contexts: the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America, the former colonies of Portugal, and the United States.
The aim of the department's graduate program is to train students to become first-rate scholars and teachers who are theoretically sophisticated and attuned to the issues, polemics, and approaches that define the profession currently as a field of intellectual endeavor.
Casa Hispánica is also the home of the Hispanic Institute for Latin American & Iberian Cultures at Columbia University. Founded in 1920 as the Instituto de las Españas, the Institute's central aim is to sponsor and disseminate research on Iberian and Latin American cultures. The Institute has also published since 1934 the Revista Hispánica Moderna, a distinguished journal in Latin American and Iberian criticism and theory, and winner of the 2009 Council of Editors of Learned Journals' Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement.