Columbia SPPO

Reyes Llopis-García

Lecturer in Language (Spanish)

Co-Director of the Spanish Language Program

Reyes Llopis-García holds a European doctorate (Doctor Europeus) with Honors in “Linguistics Applied to Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language” from the Universidad Nebrija in Madrid, Spain. Her thesis, titled Gramática cognitiva e instrucción de procesamiento para la enseñanza de la selección modal, focused on the search for better methods to teach grammar to foreign learners. In October 2010, her dissertation was awarded the Premio ASELE de Investigación (research award) by the Asociación para la Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera, and it has been published twice: in 2011 by ASELE, and again in 2012 by the Ministry of Education in Spain.

Her areas of interest are Second Language Acquisition and Cognitive Linguistics, and she is also very active as a Teacher Trainer. Within these three areas, the book Qué gramática enseñar, qué gramática aprender (Ed. Edinumen), co-authored with colleagues from Columbia University and the Instituto Cervantes was published in 2012.

Reyes strives to teach grammar in the most effective, operative way possible. You can hear her speak about Second Language Acquisition and grammar teaching here. Both her teaching and research have concentrated on various aspects of the linguistics-oriented classroom: reading, writing, speaking, or the teaching/learning of culture (CLIL). She is also interested in applying Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to her classes, mainly through Email Tandem exchanges and Twitter. Her research has been published in several journals and conference proceedings.

Reyes loves teaching and working with students. In 2009, while teaching at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, she co-directed Miguel Mihura's theater play Tres Sombreros de Copa.

Casa Hispánica 402
[email protected]
(212) 854-3764
(212) 854-5322

Follow Reyes on Twitter: @rllopis_CU