Columbia SPPO

Francisco Rosales-Varo

Lecturer in Language (Spanish)

Francisco Rosales Varo holds a B.A. in Spanish Philology and in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Granada. He received his Ph.D. in Spanish Philology with Honors with a dissertation titled “La dimensión discursiva en el currículo de Español L/E: la calidad de la lengua en las actividades de interacción”. His academic career has focused in several fields:

  • Teaching: Lecturer in Spanish as a second language in numerous institutions since 1990: University of Granada, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander, Päivölän Kansanopisto (Finland) and Instituto Cervantes in New York.
  • Teacher trainer: In his ample career as teacher trainer in advanced courses and master programs he has presented his theories on classroom discourse, oral interaction, pragmatics, material design, analysis of audiovisual texts, and content based instruction, to name but a few.
  • Author of teaching materials: Beyond his career as a teacher, he is co-author of two advanced and superior level textbooks of Spanish as a second language: Abanico (1997) and Ventilador (2006).
  • Syllabus and testing designer: He has an extensive experience in the design and administration of testing materials for the University of Granada, the Instituto Cervantes - D.E.L.E., (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) and the United Nations Language Proficiency Examination.

Casa Hispánica 308
[email protected]
(212) 854-2874
(212) 854-5322