Columbia SPPO

Guadalupe Ruiz-Fajardo

Senior Lecturer in Language

Guadalupe Ruiz Fajardo received her Ph.D. in Didactics of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University of Granada in 1992 and has taught at various European universities, including the Universidad de Granada, Umeâ Universitet and Lunds Universitet.

Her main areas of research are the use of mass media in language pedagogy, and Spanish as a second language for immigrant communities in Spain. She is co-author of two advanced-level Spanish language textbooks, Abanico and El Ventilador (Editorial Difusión, 1995 and 2006), and the scholarly monograph Vídeo en clase (Universidad de Granada, 1993) as well as of articles in journals such as Cuadernos Cervantes and Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura y Marco ELE. She has also edited a collection of articles on second language learning and teaching, Didáctica del español como segunda lengua para inmigrantes (UNIA, 2009) and Methodological Developments in Teaching Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language (CSP, 2012). This book is the result of a series of workshops for teachers under the same title that takes place every spring at New York.

She has been active in coordinating and teaching methodology courses for graduate students and teachers of Spanish as a foreign language at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Instituto Cervantes, and other institutions.

Her areas of interest and research are two, Oral Interaction/Conversational Analysis applied to Language teaching and Learning; and he teaching of a new language to immigrants communities in Spain


Casa Hispánica 403
[email protected]
(212) 854-8363
(212) 854-5322