Courses in Catalan
Fall 2014
[Please see the Directory of Classes for the timetable of courses with multiple sections. Readings, assignments, and class discussion in Catalan unless otherwise noted.]
CATL W1120
Comprehensive Beginning Catalan
Elsa Úbeda
TR 4:10pm-6:00pm
4 pts. An extensive introduction to the Catalan language with an emphasis on oral communication as well as the reading and writing practice that will allow the student to function comfortably in a Catalan environment.
CATL W1201
Intermediate Catalan I
Elsa Úbeda
TR 12:10pm-2:00pm
4 pts. The first part of Columbia University’s comprehensive intermediate Catalan sequence. The main objectives of this course are to continue developing communicative competence—reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension—and to further acquaint students with Catalan cultures.
CATL W3330
Intro to Catalan Cultures
Elsa Úbeda
TR 10:10am-11:25am
3 pts. No previous knowledge of the Catalan language is required. The course will be taught in Spanish and counts as an elective towards the major in Hispanic Cultures. This is a content course covering topics regarding Catalan history, society, literature and visual arts. The objective of the course is to examine the main sociocultural manifestations in the Catalan-speaking territories. Topics to be discussed include: bilingualism and language as the marker of “authentic” national identity; the influx of immigration and the constant redefinition of all things Catalan; the very locally rooted and at the same time very international outlook of the Catalan avant-garde; the protest song and the cultural manifestations during the Franco repression, and the crucial role of the city of Barcelona as a cultural focus and its impact on literature, film, and arts.