Publishing Religion, Negotiating the Party State:
New Perspectives on Religion in Modern China

A panel to be presented at the
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Francisco
Monday, November 21, 4:00 - 6:30pm

Publishing Religion

Publishing Religion

Negotiating the Party State

Negotiating the Party State

Ding Fubao

Classical Exegesis and the Dharma: Navigating the Sea of Scriptures with Ding Fubao (1874 - 1952)

Gregory Adam Scott, Columbia University

Washing-up Buddhism

Flipping the Script: Buddhist Youth in Communist Shanghai, 1949-1956

J. Brooks Jessup, University of Minnesota, Morris

Baojuan Cover

Baojuan publishing by Shanghai and Ningbo publishers (1911-1940) and its connection with the expansion and changes of the genre

Rostislav Berezkin, Academia Sinica

"Hiding under the Cloak of Religion:" Catholic Resistance in Communist Shanghai

Paul Mariani, SJ, Santa Clara University

Mingshan Books

Illuminating Goodness - Some Preliminary Considerations of Religious Publishing in Modern China

Paul R. Katz, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

TSM Church

Co-optation and its Discontents: The Seventh-day Adventism in Maoist China

Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, Pace University

Temple Website Image

Mediums and the New Media: The Impact of Electronic Publishing on Temple and Moral Economies in Taiwanese Popular Religion

Philip Clart, University of Leipzig

Seated Men

The Party-State and Religion in 1950s Taiwan: The Case of Li Yujie

David Ownby, Université de Montréal

Colporteur, c.1905

Colportage and the Self-Sufficiency of the Bible in Late Qing China

George K.W. Mak, David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

Chun-fang Yu, Columbia University, presiding

Rebecca Nedostup, Boston College, responding

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