
Click here for Professor Stockwell's publications in PubMed


von Krusenstiern AN, Robson RN, Qian N, Qiu B, Hu F, Reznik E, Smith N, Zandkarimi F, Estes VM, Dupont M, Hirschhorn T, Shchepinov MS, Min W, Woerpel KA, Stockwell BR. Identification of essential sites of lipid peroxidation in ferroptosis. Nature Chemical Biology 2023 Feb. [pubmed, briefingpdf]

Anandhan A, Dodson M, Shakya A , Chen J, Liu P , Wei Y, Tan H, Wang Q, Jiang Z, Yang K, Garcia JG, Chambers SK, Chapman E, Ooi A, Yang-Hartwich Y, Stockwell BR, Zhang DD. NRF2 controls iron homeostasis and ferroptosis through HERC2 and VAMP8. Science Advances 2023 Jan. [pubmedpdf]

Liu H, Forouhar F, Lin AJ, Wang Q, Polychronidou V, Soni RK, Xia X, Stockwell BR. Small Molecule Allosteric inhibitors of GPX4. Cell Chemical Biology 2022 Nov. [pubmedpdf]

Hirschhorn T and Stockwell BR. Vitamin K: A new guardian against ferroptosis. Molecular Cell 2022 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Reglero C, Dieck CL, Zask A, Forouhar F, Laurent AP, Lin WW, Albero R, Miller HI, Ma C, Gastier-Foster JM, Loh ML, Tong L, Stockwell BR, Palomero T, Ferrando AA* Pharmacological inhibition of NT5C2 reverses genetic and non-genetic drivers of 6-MP resistance in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Discovery 2022 Aug. [pubmedpdf]

Prives C, Suzuki S, Venkatesh D, Kanda H, Nakayama A, Hosokawa H, Lee E, Miki T, Stockwell BR, Yokote K, Tanaka T. GLS2 is a tumor suppressor and a regulator of ferroptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Research 2022 Jul. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR. Ferroptosis turns 10: Emerging mechanisms, physiological functions, and therapeutic applications. Cell 2022 Jul. [pubmedpdf]

Kopacz N, Csuka JM, Baque M, Iakubivskyi I, Gudlaugardottir H, Klarenberg IJ, Ahmed M, Zetterlind A, Singh A, Loes ten Kate I, Hellebrand E, Stockwell BR, Stefansson AB, Vilhelmsson O, Neubeck A, Schnurer A, Geppert W. A Study in Blue: Secondary Copper-rich Minerals and Their Associated Bacterial Diversity in Icelandic Lava Tubes. Earth and Space Science. 2022 Apr. [pdf]

Lung TWF, Charytonowicz D, Beaumont KG, Shah SS, Sridhar SH, Gorrie CL, Mu A, Hofstaedter CE, Varisco D, McConville TH, Drikic M, Fowler B, Urso A, Shi W, Fucich D, Annavajhala MK, Khan IN, Oussenko I, Francoeur N, Smith ML, Stockwell BR, Lewis IA, Hachani A, Baskota SU, Uhlemann AC, Ahn D, Ernst RK, Howden BP, Sebra R, Prince A. Klebsiella pneumoniae induces host metabolic stress that promotes tolerance to pulmonary infection. Cell Metabolism. 2022 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Liu H, Iketani S, Zask A, Khanizeman N, Bednarova E, Forouhar F, Fowler B, Hong SJ, Mohri H, Nair MS, Huang Y, Tay NES, Lee S, Karan C, Resnick SJ, Quinn C, Li W, Shion H, Xia X, Daniels JD, Bartolo-Cruz M, Farina M, Rajbhandari P, Christopher C, Lauber MA, McDonald T, Stokes ME, Hurst B, Rovis T, Chavez A, Ho DD, Stockwell BR. Development of optimized drug-like small molecule inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease for treatment of COVID-19. Nat Comm. 2022 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Jin J, Schorpp K, Samaga D, Unger K, Hadian K, Stockwell BR. Machine Learning Classifies Ferroptosis and Apoptosis Cell Death Modalities with TfR1 Immunostaining. ACS Chem Biol. 2022 Mar. [pubmedpdf]

Aldrich LN, Burdette JE, Carcache de Blanco E, Coss CC, Eustaquio AS, Fuchs JR, Kinghorn AD, MacFarlane A, Mize BK, Oberlies NH, Orjala J, Pearce CJ, Phelps MA, Rakotondraibe LH, Ren Y, Soejarto DD, Stockwell BR Yalowich JC, Zhang X. Discovery of Anticancer Agents of Diverse Natural Origin. J Nat Prod. 2022 Feb. [pubmedpdf]


Liu H, Forouhar F, Seibt T, Saneto R, Wigby K, Xia X, Shchepinov MS, Ramesh S, Conrad M, Stockwell BR. Characterization of a patient-derived variant of GPX4 and analysis of potential for precision therapy. Nat Chem Bio. 2021 Dec. [pubmedpdf]

Cheff DM, Muotri AR, Stockwell BR, Schmidt EE, Ran Q, Kartha RV, Johnson SC, Mittal P, Arner ESJ, Wigby KM, Hall MD, Ramesh SK. Development of therapies for rare genetic disorders of GPX4: roadmap and opportunities. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2021 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Hadian K, Stockwell BR. A roadmap to creating ferroptosis-based medicines Nat Chem Biol. 2021 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Chen D, Chu B, Yang X, Liu Z, Jin Y, Kon N, Rabadan R, Jiang X , Stockwell BR , Gu W. iPLA2 beta-mediated lipid detoxification controls p53-driven ferroptosis independent of GPX4. Nat Commun. 2021 Jun. [pubmedpdf]

Resnick SJ, Iketani S, Hong SJ, Zask A, Liu H, Kim S, Melore S, Lin FY, Nair MS, Huang Y, Lee S, Tay NES, Rovis T, Yang HW, Xing L, Stockwell BR, Ho DD, Chavez A. Inhibitors of coronavirus 3CL proteases protect cells from protease-mediated cytotoxicity. J Virol. 2021 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Meir R, Hirschhorn T, Kim S, Fallon KJ, Churchill EM, Wu D, Yang HW, Stockwell BR, Campos LM. Photon Upconversion Hydrogels for 3D Optogenetics. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021 Jun. [pdf]

Affo S, Nair A, Brundu F, Ravichandra A, Bhattacharjee S, Matsuda M, Chin L, Filliol A, Wen W, Song X, Decker A, Worley J, Caviglia JM, Yu L,Yin D, Saito Y, Savage T, Wells RG, Mack M, Zender L, Arpaia N, Remotti HE, Rabadan R, Sims P, Leblond AL, Weber A, Riener MO, Stockwell BR, Gaublomme J, Llovet JM, Michalopoulos GK, Seki E, Sia D, Chen X, Califano A, Schwabe RF. Promotion of cholangiocarcinoma growth by diverse cancer-associated fibroblast subpopulations. Cancer Cell. 2021 Jun. [pubmedpdf]

Iketani S, Forouhar F, Liu H, Hong SJ, Lin FY, Nair MS, Zask A, Huang Y, Xing L, Stockwell BR, Chavez A, Ho DD. Lead compounds for the development of SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease inhibitors. Nat Comm. 2021 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Jiang X, Stockwell BR, Conrad M. Ferroptosis: mechanisms, biology and role in disease. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2021 Jan. [pubmedpdf]


Anthonymuthu TS, Tyurina YY, Sun WY, Mikulska-Ruminska K, Shrivastava IH, Tyurin VA, Cinemre FB, Dar HH, VanDemark AP, Holman TR, Sadovsky Y, Stockwell BR, He RR, Bahar I, Bayir H, Kagan VE. Resolving the paradox of ferroptotic cell death: Ferrostatin-1 binds to 15LOX/PEBP1 complex, suppresses generation of peroxidized ETE-PE, and protects against ferroptosis. Redox Biol. 2020 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Venkatesh D, Stockwell BR, Prives C. p21 can be a barrier to ferroptosis independent of p53. Aging. 2020 Sep. [pubmedpdf]

Stokes ME, Small JC, Vasciaveo A, Shimada K, Hirschhorn T, Califano A, Stockwell BR. Mesenchymal Subtype Neuroblastomas Are Addicted to TGF-betaR2/HMGCR-driven Protein Geranylgeranylation. Scientific Reports. 2020 Jul. [pubmedpdf]

Hadian K, Stockwell BR. SnapShot: Ferroptosis Cell. 2020 May. [pubmedpdf]

Werth EG, Rajbhandari P, Stockwell BR, Brown LM. Time Course of Changes in Sorafenib-Treated Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Cells Suggests Involvement of Phospho-Regulated Signaling in Ferroptosis Induction. Proteomics. 2020 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR, Jiang X. The chemistry and biology of ferroptosis. Cell Chemical Biology. 2020 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Badgley MA, Kremer DM, Maurer HC, DelGiorno KE, Lee H-J, Purohit V, Sagalovskiy IR, Ma A, Kapilian J, Fir CEM, Decker AR, Sastra SA, Palermo CF, Andrade LR, Sajjakulnukit P, Zhang L, Tolstyka ZP, Hirschhorn T, Lamb C, Liu T, Gu W, Seeley ES, Stone E, Georgiou G, Manor U, Iuga A, Wahl GM, Stockwell BR, Lyssiotis CA, Olive KP. Cysteine depletion induces pancreatic tumor ferroptosis in mice. Science. 2020 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR, Jiang X, Gu W. Emerging Mechanisms and Disease Relevance of Ferroptosis. Trends Cell Biol. 2020 Mar. [pdf]

Feng H, Schorpp K, Jin J, Yozwiak CE, Hoffstrom BG, Decker AM, Rajbhandari P, Stokes ME, Bender HG, Csuka JM, Upadhyayula PS, Canoll P, Uchida K, Soni RK, Hadian K, Stockwell BR. Transferrin Receptor Is a Specific Ferroptosis Marker. Cell Reports. 2020 Mar. [pubmedpdf]

Venkatesh D, OBrien NA, Zandkarimi F, Tong DR, Stokes ME, Dunn DE, Kengmana ES, Aron AT, Klein AM, Csuka JM, Moon S-H, Conrad M, Chang CJ, Lo DC, DAlessandro A, Prives C, Stockwell BR. MDM2 and MDMX promote ferroptosis by PPARalpha-mediated lipid remodeling. Genes and Development. 2020 Feb. [pubmedpdf]

Lee H, Zandkarimi F, Zhang Y, Meena JK, Kim J, Zhuang L, Tyagi S, Ma L, Westbrook TF, Steinberg GR, Nakada D, Stockwell BR, Gan B. Energy-stress-mediated AMPK activation inhibits ferroptosis. Nature Cell Biology. 2020 Feb. [pubmedpdf]

Ye LF. Reznik E, Korn JM, Lin F, Yang G, Malesky K, Gao H, Loo A, Pagliarini R, Mikkelsen T, Lo DC, deCarvalho AC, Stockwell BR. Patient-derived glioblastoma cultures as a tool for small-molecule drug discovery. Oncotarget. 2020 Jan. [pubmedpdf]

Ye LF, Chaudhary KR, Zandkarimi F, Harken AD, Kinslow CJ, Upadhyayula PS, Dovas A, Higgins DM, Tan H, Zhang Y, Buonanno M, Wang TJC, Hei TK, Bruce JN, Canoll PD, Cheng SK, Stockwell BR. Radiation-Induced Lipid Peroxidation Triggers Ferroptosis and Synergizes with Ferroptosis Inducers. ACS Chem Biol. 2020 Jan. [pubmedpdf]


Kraft VAN, Bezjian CT, Pfeiffer S, Ringelstetter L, Muller C, Zandkarimi F, Merl-Pham J, Bao X, Anastasov N, Kossl J, Brandner S, Daniels JD, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Hauck SM, Stockwell BR, Hadian K, Schick JA. GTP Cyclohydrolase 1/Tetrahydrobiopterin Counteract Ferroptosis through Lipid Remodeling. ACS Central Science. 2019 Dec. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR. Dawn of a New Era of Targeted Antioxidant Therapies. Cell Chemical Biology. 2019 Nov. [pubmedpdf]

Bos PH, Lowry ER, Costa J, Thams S, Garcia- Diaz A, Zask A, Wichterle H, Stockwell BR. Development of MAP4 Kinase Inhibitors as Motor Neuron-Protecting Agents Cell Chemical Biology. 2019 Oct. [pubmedpdf] Note: Prosetin (formerly known as prostetin) is not approved for human use. It is currently being studied in animals.

Stockwell BR. Powerful system for cell protection revealed. Nature. 2019 Oct. [pdf]

Wu J, Minikes AM, Gao M, Bian H, Li Y, Stockwell BR, Chen ZN, Jiang X. Intercellular interaction dictates cancer cell ferroptosis via NF2-YAP signalling. Nature. 2019 Jul. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR and Jiang X. A Physiological Function for Ferroptosis in Tumor Suppression by the Immune System. Cell Metabolism. 2019 Jul. [pubmedpdf]

Feng H, Zhang Y, Bos PH, Chambers JM, Dupont MM, Stockwell BR. K-RasG12D Has a Potential Allosteric Small Molecule Binding Site. Biochemistry. 2019 May. [pubmedpdf]

Zhang Y, Tan H, Daniels JD, Zandkarimi F, Liu H, Brown LM, Uchida K, O'Connor OA, Stockwell BR. Imidazole Ketone Erastin Induces Ferroptosis and Slows Tumor Growth in a Mouse Lymphoma Model. Cell Chemical Biology. 2019 Feb. [pubmedpdfmetabolights]

Dixon SD and Stockwell BR. The Hallmarks of Ferroptosis. Annual Review of Cancer Biology. 2019 Jan. [pdf]


Thams S, Lowry ER, Larraufie MH, Spiller KJ, Li H, Williams DJ, Hoang P, Jiang E, Williams LA, Sandoe J, Eggan K, Lieberam I, Kanning KC, Stockwell BR, Henderson CE, Wichterle H. A Stem Cell-Based Screening Platform Identifies Compounds that Desensitize Motor Neurons to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. Mol. Ther. 2018 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Hirschhorn T and Stockwell BR. The Development of the Concept of Ferroptosis. Free Radic Biol Med. 2018 Sep. [pubmedpdf]

Wang C, Aleksandrov AA, Yang Z, Forouhar F, Proctor EA, Kota P, An J, Kaplan A, Khazanov N, Bol G, Stockwell BR, Senderowitz H, Dokholyan NV, Riordan JR, Brouillette CG, Hunt JF. Ligand binding to a remote site thermodynamically corrects the F508del mutation in the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. J Biol Chem. 2018 Jun. [pubmedpdf]

Conrad M, Kagan VE, Bayir H, Pagnussat GC, Head B, Traber MG, Stockwell BR. Regulation of lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis in diverse species. Genes & Development. 2018 May. [pubmedpdf]

Feng H, Stockwell BR. Unsolved mysteries: How does lipid peroxidation cause ferroptosis? PLOS Biology. 2018 May. [pubmedpdf]

Youssef LA, Rebbaa A, Pampou S, Weisberg SP, Stockwell BR, Hod EA, Spitalnik SL. ncreased erythrophagocytosis induces ferroptosis in red pulp macrophages in a mouse model of transfusion. Blood. 2018 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Gaschler MM, Andia AA, Liu H, Csuka JM, Hurlocker B, Vaiana CA, Heindel DW, Zuckerman DS, Bos PH, Reznik E, Ye LF, Tyurina YY, Lin AJ, Shchepinov MS, Chan AY, Peguero-Pereira E, Fomich MA, Daniels JD, Bekish AV, Shmanai VV, Kagan VE, Mahal LK, Woerpel KA, Stockwell BR. FINO2 initiates ferroptosis through GPX4 inactivation and iron oxidation. Nat Chem Biol. 2018 Apr. [pubmedpdf]

Liu H, Schreiber SL, Stockwell BR. Targeting Dependency on the GPX4 Lipid Peroxide Repair Pathway for Cancer Therapy. Biochemistry 2018 Mar. [pubmedpdf]

Shimada K, Reznik E, Stokes ME, Krishnamoorthy L, Bos PH, Song Y, Quartararo CE, Pagano NC, Carpizo DR, deCarvalho AC, Lo DC, Stockwell BR. Copper-Binding Small Molecule Induces Oxidative Stress and Cell-Cycle Arrest in Glioblastoma-Patient-Derived Cells. Cell Chemical Biology. 2018 Mar. [pubmedpdf]

Agmon E, Solon J, Bassereau P, Stockwell BR. Modeling the effects of lipid peroxidation during ferroptosis on membrane properties. Scientific Reports. 2018 Mar. [pubmedpdf]

Gaschler MM, Hu F, Feng H, Linkermann A, Min W, Stockwell BR. Determination of the subcellular localization and mechanism of action of ferrostatins in suppressing ferroptosis. ACS Chem Biol. 2018 Mar. [pubmedpdf]

Zhou X, Li G, Kaplan A, Gaschler MM, Zhang X, Hou Z, Mali J, Zott R, Cremers S, Stockwell BR, Duan W. Small molecule modulator of protein disulfide isomerase attenuates mutant huntingtin toxicity and inhibits endoplasmic reticulum stress in a mouse model of Huntington's disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2018 Feb. [pubmedpdf]

Yozwiak CE, Hirschhorn T, Stockwell BR. Towards a microparticle-based system for pooled assays of small molecules in cellular contexts. ACS Chem Biol. 2018 Jan. [pubmedpdf]

Galluzzi L, Vitale I, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Agostinis P, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, Amelio I, Andrews DW, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Antonov AV, Arama E, Baehrecke EH, Barlev NA, Bazan NG, Bernassola F, Bertrand MJM, Bianchi K, Blagosklonny MV, Blomgren K, Borner C, Boya P, Brenner C, Campanella M, Candi E, Carmona-Gutierrez D, Cecconi F, Chan FK, Chandel NS, Cheng EH, Chipuk JE, Cidlowski JA, Ciechanover A, Cohen GM, Conrad M, Cubillos-Ruiz JR, Czabotar PE, D'Angiolella V, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, De Laurenzi V, De Maria R, Debatin KM, DeBerardinis RJ, Deshmukh M, Di Daniele N, Di Virgilio F, Dixit VM, Dixon SJ, Duckett CS, Dynlacht BD, El-Deiry WS, Elrod JW, Fimia GM, Fulda S, Garca-Sez AJ, Garg AD, Garrido C, Gavathiotis E, Golstein P, Gottlieb E, Green DR, Greene LA, Gronemeyer H, Gross A, Hajnoczky G, Hardwick JM, Harris IS, Hengartner MO, Hetz C, Ichijo H, Jttel M, Joseph B, Jost PJ, Juin PP, Kaiser WJ, Karin M, Kaufmann T, Kepp O, Kimchi A, Kitsis RN, Klionsky DJ, Knight RA, Kumar S, Lee SW, Lemasters JJ, Levine B, Linkermann A, Lipton SA, Lockshin RA, Lpez-Otn C, Lowe SW, Luedde T, Lugli E, MacFarlane M, Madeo F, Malewicz M, Malorni W, Manic G, Marine JC, Martin SJ, Martinou JC, Medema JP, Mehlen P, Meier P, Melino S, Miao EA, Molkentin JD, Moll UM, Muoz-Pinedo C, Nagata S, Nuez G, Oberst A, Oren M, Overholtzer M, Pagano M, Panaretakis T, Pasparakis M, Penninger JM, Pereira DM, Pervaiz S, Peter ME, Piacentini M, Pinton P, Prehn JHM, Puthalakath H, Rabinovich GA, Rehm M, Rizzuto R, Rodrigues CMP, Rubinsztein DC, Rudel T, Ryan KM, Sayan E, Scorrano L, Shao F, Shi Y, Silke J, Simon HU, Sistigu A, Stockwell BR, Strasser A, Szabadkai G, Tait SWG, Tang D, Tavernarakis N, Thorburn A, Tsujimoto Y, Turk B, Vanden Berghe T, Vandenabeele P, Vander Heiden MG, Villunger A, Virgin HW, Vousden KH, Vucic D, Wagner EF, Walczak H, Wallach D, Wang Y, Wells JA, Wood W, Yuan J, Zakeri Z, Zhivotovsky B, Zitvogel L, Melino G, Kroemer G. Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018. Cell Death Differ. 2018 Jan. [pubmedpdf]

Zhang Y, Larraufie MH, Musavi L, Akkiraju H, Brown LM, Stockwell BR. Design of small molecules that compete with nucleotide binding to an engineered oncogenic KRAS allele. Biochemistry 2018 Jan. [pubmedpdf]


Ling Y, Stockwell BR Transforming Lipoxygenases: PE-Specific Enzymes in Disguise Cell 2017 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR, Friedmann Angeli JP, Bayir H, Bush AI, Conrad M, Dixon SJ, Fulda S, Gascon S, Hatzios SK, Kagan VE, Noel K, Jiang X, Linkermann A, Murphy ME, Overholtze M, Oyagi A, Pagnussat GC, Park J, Ran Q, Rosenfeld CS, Salnikow K, Tang D, Torti FM, Torti SV, Toyokuni S, Woerpel KA, Zhang DD Ferroptosis: A Regulated Cell Death Nexus Linking Metabolism, Redox Biology, and Disease. Cell 2017 Oct. [pubmedpdf]

Viswanathan VS, Ryan MJ, Dhruv HD, Gill S, Eichhoff OM, Seashore-Ludlow B, Kaffenberger SD, Eaton JK, Shimada K, Aguirre AJ, Viswanathan SR, Chattopadhyay S, Tamayo P, Yang WS, Rees MG, Chen S, Boskovic ZV, Javaid S, Huang C, Wu X, Tseng Y, Roider EM, Gao D, Cleary JM, Wolpin BM, Mesirov JP, Haber DA, Engelman JA, Boehm JS, Kotz JD, Hon CS, Chen Y, Hahn WC, Levesque MP, Doench JG, Berens ME, Shamji AF, Clemons PA, Stockwell BR, Schreiber SL. Dependency of a therapy-resistant state of cancer cells on a lipid peroxidase pathway. Nature. 2017 Jul. [pubmedpdf]

Agmon E, Stockwell BR. Lipid homeostasis and regulated cell death. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2017 Jun;39:83-89 [pubmedpdf]

Linkermann A, Stockwell BR, Berghe TV. Heavy Metal Suicide. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology. 2017 May. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR, Stockwell MS, Jiang E. Group Problem Solving in Class Improves Undergraduate Learning. ACS Central Science. 2017 May. [pubmedpdf]

Muller T, Dewitz C, Schmitz J, Schroder AS, Brasen JH, Stockwell BR, Murphy JM, Kunzendorf U, Krautwald, S. Necroptosis and ferroptosis are alternative cell death pathways that operate in acute kidney failure. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2017 May. [pubmedpdf]

Li Q, Han X, Lan X, Gao Y, Wan J, Durham F, Cheng T, Yang J, Wang Z, Jiang C, Ying M, Koehler RC, Stockwell BR, Wang J. Inhibition of neuronal ferroptosis protects hemorrhagic brain. JCI Insight. 2017 Apr;2(7):e90777 [pubmedpdf]

Wesch ME, Kaplan A, Chambers JM, Stokes ME, Bos PH, Zask A, Zhang Y, Sanchez-Martin M, Badgley MA, Huang CS, Tran TH, Akkiraju H, Brown LM, Nandakumar R, Cremers S, Yang WS, Tong L, Olive KP, Ferrando A, Stockwell BR. Multivalent Small-Molecule Pan-RAS Inhibitors. Cell. 2017 Feb;168(5):878-889 [pubmedpdf]

Gaschler MM, Stockwell BR. Lipid peroxidation in cell death. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Feb;482(3):419-425 [pubmedpdf]

Figuera-Losado M, Thomas AG, Stathis M, Stockwell BR, Rojas C, Slusher BS. Development of a primary microglia screening assay and its use to characterize inhibition of system xc- by erastin and its analogs. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2017 Jan;9:266-72 [pubmedpdf]

Distefano AM, Martin MV, Cordoba JP, Bellido AM, D'Ippolito S, Colman SL, Soto D, Roldan, Carlos Guillermo Bartoli JA, Zabaleta EJ, Fiol DF, Stockwell BR, Dixon SJ, Pagnussat GC. Heat Stress Induces Ferroptosis-like Cell Death in Plants. JCB. 2017 Feb;216(2):463-476 [pubmedpdf]

Kagan VE, Mao G, Qu F, Angeli JPF, Doll S, St Croix C, Dar HH, Liu B, Tyurin VA, Ritov VB, Kapralov AA, Amoscato AA, Jiang J, Anthonymuthu T, Mohammadyani D, Yang Q, Proneth B, Klein-Seetharaman J, Watkins S, Bahar I, Greenberger J, Mallampalli RK, Stockwell BR, Tyurina YY, Conrad M, Bayir H. Oxidized Arachidonic and Adrenic PEs Navigate Cells to Ferroptosis. Nat Chem Biol. 2017 Jan;13(1):81-90 [pubmedpdf]


Kinghorn AD, Carcache de Blanco EJ, Lucas DM, Rakotondraibe HL, Orjala J, Soejarto DD, Oberlies NH, Pearce CJ, Wani MC, Stockwell BR, Burdette JE, Swanson SM, Fuchs JR, Phelps MA, Xu L, Zhang X, Shen YY. Discovery of Anticancer Agents of Diverse Natural Origin. Anticancer Res. 2016 Nov;36(11):5623-5637 [pubmedpdf]

Krainz T, Gaschler MM, Lim C, Sacher JR, Stockwell BR, Wipf P. A Mitochondrial-Targeted Nitroxide is a Potent Inhibitor of Ferroptosis. ACS Central Science. 2016 Sept;2(9):653-659 [pubmedpdf]

Freyer JL, Brucks SD, Gobieski GS, Russell ST, Yozwiak CE, Sun M, Chen Z, Jiang Y, Bander JS, Stockwell BR, Lambert TH, Campos LM. Clickable Poly(ionic liquids): A Materials Platform for Transfection. Angew Chem Int Ed. 2016 Sept;55(40):12382-6 [pubmedpdf]

Yang WS, Kim KJ, Gaschler MM, Patel M, Shchepinov MS, Stockwell BR. Peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids by lipoxygenases drives ferroptosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016 Aug;113(34):E4966-75 [pubmedpdf]

The Cancer Target Discovery and Development Network. Transforming Big Data into cancer-relevant insight: An initial, multi-tier approach to assess reproducibility and relevance. Mol Cancer Res. 2016 Aug;14(8):675-82 [pubmedpdf]

Li H, Kuwajima T, Oakley D, Nikulina E, Hou J, Yang WS, Lowry ER, Lamas NJ, Amoroso MW, Croft GF, Hosur R, Wichterle H, Sebti S, Filbin MT, Stockwell B, Henderson CE. Protein Prenylation Constitutes an Endogenous Brake on Axonal Growth. Cell Reports. 2016 July;16(2):545-58. [pubmedpdf]

Shimada K, Skouta R, Kaplan A, Yang WS, Hayano M, Dixon SJ, Brown LM, Valenzuela CA, Wolpaw AJ, Stockwell BR. Global survey of cell death mechanisms reveals metabolic regulation of ferroptosis. Nat Chem Biol. 2016 May [pubmedpdf]

Shimada K, Hayano M, Pagano N, Stockwell BR. Cell-Line Selectivity Improves the Predictive Power of Pharmacogenomic Analyses and Helps Identify NADPH as Biomarker for Ferroptosis Sensitivity. Cell Chemical Biology. 2016 Feb [pubmedpdf]

Conrad M, Angeli JPF, Vandenabeele P, Stockwell BR. Regulated necrosis: disease relevance and therapeutic opportunities. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2016 Jan [pubmedpdf]

Klionsky et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 2016 Jan [pubmedpdf]


Yang WS, Stockwell BR. Ferroptosis: Death by lipid peroxidation. Trends Cell Biol. 2015 Nov [pubmedpdf]

Shimada K, Stockwell BR. tRNA synthase suppression activates de novo cysteine synthesis to compensate for cystine and glutathione deprivation during ferroptosis. Mol Cell Onc. 2015 Nov [pubmedpdf]

Larraufie MH, Yang WS, Jiang E, Thomas AG, Slusher BS, Stockwell BR. Incorporation of metabolically stable ketones into a small molecule probe to increase potency and water solubility. Bioorg Med Chem Let. 2015 Nov; 25(21):4787-92 [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR, Stockwell MS, Cennamo M, Jiang E. Blended Learning Improves Science Education. Cell. 2015 Aug; 162(5):933-6 [pubmedpdf]

Kaplan A, Stockwell BR. Structural elucidation of a small molecule inhibitor of protein disulfide isomerase. ACS Med Chem Letters. 2015 Jul; 6(9):966-971 [pubmedpdf]

Hayano M, Yang WS, Corn CK, Pagano NC, and Stockwell Br. Loss of cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CARS) induces the transsulfuration pathway and inhibits ferroptosis induced by cystine deprivation. Cell Death Differ. 2015 Jul [pubmedpdf]

Woo JH, Shimoni Y, Yang WS, Subramaniam P, Iyer A, Nicoletti P, Martinez MR, Lopez G, Mattioli M, Realubit R, Karan C, Stockwell BR, Bansal M, Califano A. Elucidating compound mechanism of action by network perturbation analysis. Cell. 2015 Jul; 162(2):441-51 [pubmedpdf]

Dixon SJ, Winter GE, Musavi LS, Lee ED, Snijder B, Rebsamen M, Superti-Furga G, Stockwell BR. Human haploid cell genetics reveals roles for lipid metabolism genes in nonapoptotic cell death. ACS Chem Biol. 2015 Jul;10(7):1604-9 [pubmedpdf]

Quartararo CE, Reznik E, deCarvalho AC, Mikkelson T, Stockwell BR High-throughput screening of patient-derived culture reveals potential for precision medicine in glioblastoma. ACS Med Chem Letters. 2015 Jun; 6(8):948-52 [pubmedpdf]

Kaplan A, Gaschler MG, Dunn DE, Colligan R, Brown LM, Palmer AG, Lo DC, Stockwell, BR. Small molecule-induced oxidation of protein disulfide isomerase is neuroprotective. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Apr; 112(17):E2245-52 [pubmedpdf]


Angeli JPF, Schneider M, Proneth B, Tyurina YY, Tyurin VA, Hammond VJ, Herbach N, Aichler M, Walch A, Eggenhofer A, Basavarajappa D, Radmark O, Kobayashi S, Seibt T, Beck H, Neff F, Esposito I, Wanke R, Forster H, Yefremova O, Heinrichmeyer M, Bornkamm GW, Geissler EK, Thomas SB, Stockwell BR, Valerie BO, Kagan VE, Schick JA, Conrad M. Inactivation of the ferroptosis regulator Gpx4 triggers acute renal failure in mice. Nat Cell Bio. 2014 Dec; 16(12):1180-1191. [pubmedpdf]

Linkermann A, Skouta R, Himmerkus N, Mulay SR, Dewitz C, Zen FD, Prokai A, Zuchtriegel G, Krombach F, Welz PS, Weinlich R, Berghe TV, Vandenabeele P, Pasparakis M, Bleich M, Weinberg JM, Reichel CA, Bräsen JH, Kunzendorf U, Anders HJ, Stockwell BR, Green DR, Krautwald S. Synchronized renal tubular cell death involves ferroptosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014 Nov; 111(47):16836-41 [pubmedpdf]

Linkermann A, Stockwell BR, Krautwald S, Anders HJ. Regulated cell death and inflammation: an auto-amplification loop causes organ failure. Nat Rev Immunol. 2014 Nov; 14(11):759-67 [pubmedpdf]

Julien O, Kampmann M, Bassik MC, Zorn JA, Venditto VJ, Shimbo K, Agard NJ, Shimada K, Rheingold AL, Stockwell BR, Weissman JS, Wells JA. Unraveling the mechanism of cell death induced by chemical fibrils. Nat Chem Biol. 2014 Sep 28; 10(11): 969-76 [pubmedpdf]

Galluzzi L, Bravo-San Pedro JM, Vitale I, Aaronson SA, Abrams JM, Adam D, Alnemri ES, Altucci L, Andrews D, Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli M, Baehrecke EH, Bazan NG, Bertrand MJ, Bianchi K, Blagosklonny MV, Blomgren K, Borner C, Bredesen DE, Brenner C, Campanella M, Candi E, Cecconi F, Chan FK, Chandel NS, Cheng EH, Chipuk JE, Cidlowski JA, Ciechanover A, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, De Laurenzi V, De Maria R, Debatin KM, Di Daniele N, Dixit VM, Dynlacht BD, El-Deiry WS, Fimia GM, Flavell RA, Fulda S, Garrido C, Gougeon ML, Green DR, Gronemeyer H, Hajnoczky G, Hardwick JM, Hengartner MO, Ichijo H, Joseph B, Jost PJ, Kaufmann T, Kepp O, Klionsky DJ, Knight RA, Kumar S, Lemasters JJ, Levine B, Linkermann A, Lipton SA, Lockshin RA, López-Otín C, Lugli E, Madeo F, Malorni W, Marine JC, Martin SJ, Martinou JC, Medema JP, Meier P, Melino S, Mizushima N, Moll U, Muñoz-Pinedo C, Nuñez G, Oberst A, Panaretakis T, Penninger JM, Peter ME, Piacentini M, Pinton P, Prehn JH, Puthalakath H, Rabinovich GA, Ravichandran KS, Rizzuto R, Rodrigues CM, Rubinsztein DC, Rudel T, Shi Y, Simon HU, Stockwell BR, Szabadkai G, Tait SW, Tang HL, Tavernarakis N, Tsujimoto Y, Vanden Berghe T, Vandenabeele P, Villunger A, Wagner EF, Walczak H, White E, Wood WG, Yuan J, Zakeri Z, Zhivotovsky B, Melino G, Kroemer G. Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Sep 19; 22(1):58-73 [pubmedpdf]

Wolpaw AJ, Stockwell BR. Multidimensional profiling in the investigation of small-molecule-induced cell death. Methods Enzymol 2014 Jul; 545:265-302 [pubmedpdf]

Dixon SJ, Patel DN, Welsch M, Skouta R, Lee ED, Hayano M, Thomas AG, Gleason CE, Tatonetti N, Slusher BS, Stockwell BR. Pharmacological inhibition of cystine-glutamate exchange induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and ferroptosis. eLife 2014 May 20 [pubmedpdf]

Cantley AM, Welsch ME, Ambesi-Impiombato A, Sanchez-Martin M, Kim MY, Bauer A, Ferrando A, Stockwell BR. Small Molecule that Reverses Dexamethasone Resistance in T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). ACS Med Chem Letters 2014 Apr 25;5(7):754-9 [pubmedpdf]

Skouta R, Dixon SJ, Wang J, Dunn DE, Orman M, Shimada K, Rosenberg P, Lo D, Weinberg J, Linkermann A, Stockwell BR. Ferrostatins inhibit oxidative lipid damage and cell death in diverse disease models. J Am Chem Soc 2014 Mar 4; 136(12):4551-6 [pubmedpdf]

Yang WS, SriRamaratnam R, Welsch ME, Shimada K, Skouta R, Viswanathan VS, Cheah JH, Clemons PA, Shamji AF, Clish CB, Brown LM, Girotti AW, Cornish VW, Schreiber SL, Stockwell BR. Regulation of Ferroptotic Cancer Cell Death by GPX4. Cell 2014 Jan 16; 156(1):317-331 [pubmedpdf]


Dixon SJ, Stockwell BR. The role of iron and reactive oxygen species in cell death. Nat Chem Biol 2013 Dec 17;10(1):9-17 [pubmedpdf]

Basu A, Bodycombe NE, Cheah NH, Price EV, Liu K, Schaefer GI, Ebright RY, Stewart ML, Ito D, Wang S, Bracha AL, Liefelds A, Wawer M, Gilbert JC, Wilson AJ, Stransky N, Kryukov GV, Dancik V, Barretina J, Garraway LA, Hon CS, Munoz B, Bittker JA, Stockwell BR, Khabele D, Stern AM, Clemons PA, Shamji AF, Schreiber SL. An Interactive Resource to Identify Cancer Genetic and Lineage Dependencies Targeted by Small Molecules. Cell 2013 Aug 29;154(5):1151-1161 [pubmedpdf]

Varma H, Gangadhar NM, Letso RR, Wolpaw AJ, Sriramaratnam R, Stockwell BR. Identification of a small molecule that induces ATG5-and-cathepsin-l-dependent cell death and modulates polyglutamine toxicity. Exp Cell Res 2013 Apr 12. [pubmedpdf]

Letso RR, Bauer AJ, Lunn MR, Yang WS, Stockwell BR. Small Molecule Screen Reveals Regulation of Survival Motor Neuron Protein Abundance by Ras Proteins. ACS Chem Biol 2013 Mar 15. [pubmedpdf]


Kosuri P, Alegre-Cebollada J, Feng J, Kaplan A, Inglés-Prieto A, Badilla CL, Stockwell BR, Sanchez-Ruiz JM, Holmgren A, Fernández JM. Protein folding drives disulfide formation. Cell 2012 Nov 9;151(4):794-806 [pubmedpdf]

Kaplan A, Stockwell BR. Therapeutic approaches to preventing cell death in Huntington disease. Prog Neurobiol 2012 Dec;99(3):262-80 [pubmedpdf]

Skouta R, Hayano M, Shimada K and Stockwel BR. Design and synthesis of Pictet-Spengler condensation products that exhibit oncogenic-RAS synthetic lethality and induce non-apoptotic cell death. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2012 Sep 1;22(17):5707-13 [pubmedpdf]

Dixon SJ, Lemberg KM, Lamprecht MR, Skouta R,Zaitsev EM, Gleason CE, Patel DN, Bauer AJ, Cantley AM, Yang WS, Morrison B, Stockwell BR. Ferroptosis: An Iron-Dependent Form of Nonapoptotic Cell Death. Cell 2012 May;149(5), 1060-1072 [pubmedpdf]

Weiwer M, Bittker JA, Lewis TA, Shimada K, Yang WS, Macpherson L, Dandapani S, Palmer M, Stockwell BR, Schreiber SL, Munoz B. Development of small-molecule probes that selectively kill cells induced to express mutant RAS. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2012 Feb;22(4):1822-6. [pubmedpdf]

Yang W, Shimada K, Delva D, Patel M, Ode E, Skouta R, Stockwell BR. Identification of simple compounds with microtubule-binding activity that inhibit cancer cell growth with high potency. ACS Med Chem Letters 2012 Jan;3(1):35-38. [pubmedpdf]


Wolpaw AJ, Shimada K, Skouta R, Welsch ME, Akavia UD, Pe'er D, Shaik F, Bulinski JC, Stockwell BR. Modulatory Profiling Identifies Mechanisms of Small Molecule-Induced Cell Death. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011 Sep;108(39):E771-80. [pubmedpdf]

Herman AG, Hayano M, Poyurovsky MV, Shimada K, Skouta R, Prives C, Stockwell BR. Discovery of Mdm2-MdmX E3 Ligase Inhibitors Using a Cell-Based Ubiquitination Assay. Cancer Discovery 2011 Sep;1(4):312-25. [pubmedpdf]

Bauer AJ, Gieschler S, Lemberg KM, McDermott AE, Stockwell BR. Functional Model of Metabolite Gating by Human Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 2. Biochemistry 2011 May;50(17):3408-10. [pubmedpdf]


Hoffstrom BG, Kaplan A, Letso R, Schmid RS, Turmel GJ, Lo DC, Stockwell BR. Inhibitors of protein disulfide isomerase suppress apoptosis induced by misfolded proteins. Nat Chem Biol 2010 Dec;6(12):900-6. [pubmedpdf]

Varma H, Yamamoto A, Sarantos MR, Hughes RE, Stockwell BR. Mutant Huntingtin Alters Cell Fate in Response to Microtubule Depolymerization via GEF-H1-RhoA-ERK Pathway. J Biol Chem 2010 Nov;285(48):37445-57. [pubmedpdf]

Cancer Target Discovery and Development Network, Schreiber SL, Shamji AF, Clemons PA, Hon C, Koehler AN, Munoz B, Palmer M, Stern AM, Wagner BK, Powers S, Lowe SW, Guo X, Krasnitz A, Sawey ET, Sordella R, Stein L, Trotman LC, Califano A, Dalla-Favera R, Ferrando A, Iavarone A, Pasqualucci L, Silva J, Stockwell BR, Hahn WC, Chin L, DePinho RA, Boehm JS, Gopal S, Huang A, Root DE, Weir BA, Gerhard DS, Zenklusen JC, Roth MG, White MA, Minna JD, MacMillan JB, Posner BA. Towards patient-based cancer therapeutics. Nat Biotech 2010 Sep;28(9):904-6. [pubmedpdf]

Welsch ME, Snyder SA, Stockwell BR. Privileged scaffolds for library design and drug discovery. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2010 Jun;14(3):347-361. [pubmedpdf]

Dixon SJ, Stockwell BR. Drug discovery: Engineering drug combinations. Nat Chem Biol 2010 May;6(5):318-319. [pubmedpdf]


Dixon SJ, Stockwell BR. Identifying druggable disease-modifying gene products. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2009 Dec;13(5-6):549-555. [pubmedpdf]


Lehar J, Stockwell BR, Giaever G, Nislow C. Combination chemical genetics. Nat Chem Biol 2008 Nov;4(11):674-681. [pubmedpdf]

Gangadhar NM, Firestein SJ, Stockwell BR. A novel role for jun N-terminal Kinase signaling in olfactory sensory neuronal death. Mol Cell Neurosci 2008 Aug;38(4):518-525. [pubmedpdf]

Yang WS, Stockwell BR. Inhibition of casein kinase 1-epsilon induces cancer-cell-selective, PERIOD2-dependent growth arrest. Genome Biology 2008 Jun;9(6):R92. Epub 2008 Jun. [pubmedpdf]

Bauer AJ, Stockwell BR. Neurobiological Applications of Small Molecule Screening Chemical Reviews 2008 Mar;108(5):1774-1786. [pubmedpdf]

Yang WS, Stockwell BR. Synthetic Lethal Screening Identifies Compounds Activating Iron-Dependent, Nonapoptotic Cell Death in Oncogenic-RAS-Harboring Cancer Cells. Chemistry & Biology 2008 Mar;15(3):234-245. [pubmedpdf]

Varma H, Lo DC, Stockwell BR. High throughput screening for neurodegeneration and complex disease phenotypes. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen 2008 Mar;11(3):238-248. [pubmedpdf]

Antipova AA, Stockwell BR, Golub TR. Gene expression-based screening for inhibitors of PDGFR signaling. Genome Biology 2008;9(3):R47. [pubmedpdf]


Yagoda N, von Rechenberg M, Zaganjor E, Bauer AJ, Yang WS, Fridman DJ, Wolpaw AJ, Smukste I, Peltier JM, Boniface JJ, Smith R, Lessnick SL, Sahasrabudhe S, Stockwell BR. RAS-RAF-MEK-dependent oxidative cell death involving voltage-dependent anion channels. Nature 2007 Jun;447(7146):865-869. [pubmedpdf]

Varma H, Voisine C, DeMarco CT, Cattaneo E, Lo DC, Hart AC, Stockwell BR. Selective inhibitors of death in mutant huntingtin cells. Nat Chem Biol 2007 Feb;3(2):99-100. [pubmedpdf]

Gangadhar NM, Stockwell BR. Chemical genetic approaches to probing cell death. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2007 Feb;11(1):83-87. [pubmedpdf]

Lehar J, Zimmermann GR, Krueger AS, Molnar RA, Ledell JT, Heilbut AM, Short GF, Giusti LC, Nolan GP, Magid OA, Lee MS, Borisy AA, Stockwell BR, Keith CT. Chemical combination effects predict connectivity in biological systems. Mol Syst Biol 2007;3. [pubmedpdf]

Voisine C, Varma H, Walker N, Bates EA, Stockwell BR, Hart AC. Identification of Potential Therapeutic Drugs for Huntington's Disease using Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS ONE 2007;2(6):e504. [pubmedpdf]

Varma H, Cheng R, Voisine C, Hart AC, Stockwell BR. Inhibitors of metabolism rescue cell death in Huntington's disease models. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007;104(36):14525 -14530. [pubmedpdf]


Letso RR, Stockwell BR. Chemical biology: renewing embryonic stem cells. Nature 2006 Dec;444(7120):692-693. [pubmedpdf]

Desai UA, Pallos J, Ma AAK, Stockwell BR, Thompson LM, Marsh JL, Diamond MI. Biologically active molecules that reduce polyglutamine aggregation and toxicity. Hum Mol Genet 2006 Jul;15(13):2114 -2124. [pubmedpdf]

Yen L, Magnier M, Weissleder R, Stockwell BR, Mulligan RC. Identification of inhibitors of ribozyme self-cleavage in mammalian cells via high-throughput screening of chemical libraries. RNA 2006 May;12(5):797-806. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR. Preventing protein secretion with chemical glue. Nat Chem Biol 2006 Jan;2(1):7-8. [pubmedpdf]

Herman AG, Stockwell BR. Enzyme Annotation with Chemical Tools. Chemistry & Biology 2006;13(10):1013-1014. [pubmedpdf]

Moffat J, Grueneberg DA, Yang X, Kim SY, Kloepfer AM, Hinkle G, Piqani B, Eisenhaure TM, Luo B, Grenier JK. A Lentiviral RNAi Library for Human and Mouse Genes Applied to an Arrayed Viral High-Content Screen. Cell 2006;124(6):1283-1298. [pubmedpdf]

Smukste I, Bhalala O, Persico M, Stockwell BR. Using small molecules to overcome drug resistance induced by a viral oncogene. Cancer Cell 2006;9(2):133-146. [pubmedpdf]


Keith CT, Borisy AA, Stockwell BR. Multicomponent therapeutics for networked systems. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2005 Jan;4(1):71-78. [pubmedpdf]

Lunn M, Stockwell B. Chemical Genetics and Orphan Genetic Diseases. Chemistry & Biology 2005;12(10):1063-1073. [pubmedpdf]

Smukste I, Stockwell BR. Advances in Chemical Genetics. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 2005;6(1):261-286. [pubmedpdf]


Stockwell BR. Exploring biology with small organic molecules. Nature 2004 Dec;432(7019):846-854. [pubmedpdf]

Bailey SN, Sabatini DM, Stockwell BR. Microarrays of small molecules embedded in biodegradable polymers for use in mammalian cell-based screens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004 Nov;101(46):16144 -16149. [pubmedpdf]

Lunn MR, Root DE, Martino AM, Flaherty SP, Kelley BP, Coovert DD, Burghes AH, thi Man N, Morris GE, Zhou J, Androphy EJ, Sumner CJ, Stockwell BR. Indoprofen Upregulates the Survival Motor Neuron Protein through a Cyclooxygenase-Independent Mechanism. Chemistry & Biology 2004 Nov;11(11):1489-1493. [pubmedpdf]

Stegmaier K, Ross KN, Colavito SA, O'Malley S, Stockwell BR, Golub TR. Gene expression-based high-throughput screening(GE-HTS) and application to leukemia differentiation. Nat Genet 2004 Mar;36(3):257-263. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR. The biological magic behind the bullets. Nat Biotech 2004 Jan;22(1):37-38. [pubmedpdf]

Kelley BP, Lunn MR, Root DE, Flaherty SP, Martino AM, Stockwell BR. A Flexible Data Analysis Tool for Chemical Genetic Screens. Chemistry & Biology 2004;11(11):1495-1503. [pubmedpdf]

Kelley BP, Yuan B, Lewitter F, Sharan R, Stockwell BR, Ideker T. PathBLAST: a tool for alignment of protein interaction networks. Nucleic Acids Res 2004;32(Web Server):W83-W88. [pubmedpdf]


Kelley BP, Sharan R, Karp RM, Sittler T, Root DE, Stockwell BR, Ideker T. Conserved pathways within bacteria and yeast as revealed by global protein network alignment. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003 Sep;100(20):11394-11399. [pubmedpdf]

Borisy AA, Elliott PJ, Hurst NW, Lee MS, Lehar J, Price ER, Serbedzija G, Zimmermann GR, Foley MA, Stockwell BR, Keith CT. Systematic discovery of multicomponent therapeutics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003 Jun;100(13):7977 -7982. [pubmedpdf]

Dolma S, Lessnick SL, Hahn WC, Stockwell BR. Identification of genotype-selective antitumor agents using synthetic lethal chemical screening in engineered human tumor cells. Cancer Cell 2003 Mar;3(3):285-296. [pubmedpdf]

Smukste I, Stockwell BR. Restoring functions of tumor suppressors with small molecules. Cancer Cell 2003;4(6):419-420. [pubmedpdf]

Root DE, Flaherty SP, Kelley BP, Stockwell BR. Biological Mechanism Profiling Using an Annotated Compound Library. Chemistry & Biology 2003;10(9):881-892. [pubmedpdf]

Root DE, Kelley BP, Stockwell BR. Detecting Spatial Patterns in Biological Array Experiments. J Biomol Screen 2003;8(4):393 -398. [pubmedpdf]


Blanchard BJ, Stockwell BR, Ingram VM. Eliminating membrane depolarization caused by the Alzheimer peptide A[beta](1-42, aggr.). Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002 May;293(4):1204-1208. [pubmedpdf]

DE Root, BP Kelley, BR Stockwell. Global analysis of large-scale chemical and biological experiments. Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel 2002 May;5(3):355-60. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR. Chemical Genetic Screening Approaches to Neurobiology. Neuron 2002;36(4):559-562. [pubmedpdf]


Stockwell BR. Frontiers in chemical genetics. Trends Biotechnol 2000 Nov;18(11):449-455. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR. Chemical genetics: ligand-based discovery of gene function. Nat Rev Genet 2000 Nov;1(2):116-125. [pubmedpdf]


Stockwell BR, Hardwick JS, Tong JK, Schreiber SL. Chemical Genetic and Genomic Approaches Reveal a Role for Copper in Specific Gene Activation. J Am Chem Soc 1999 Nov;121(45):10662-10663. [pdf]

Tan DS, Foley MA, Stockwell BR, Shair MD, Schreiber SL. Synthesis and Preliminary Evaluation of a Library of Polycyclic Small Molecules for Use in Chemical Genetic Assays. J Am Chem Soc 1999 Oct;121(39):9073-9087. [pdf]

Stockwell B, Haggarty S, Schreiber S. High-throughput screening of small molecules in miniaturized mammalian cell-based assays involving post-translational modifications. Chemistry & Biology 1999;6(2):71-83. [pubmedpdf]


Muzio M, Stockwell BR, Stennicke HR, Salvesen GS, Dixit VM. An Induced Proximity Model for Caspase-8 Activation. J Biol Chem 1998 Jan;273(5):2926 -2930. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell B. TGF-beta-signaling with small molecule FKBP12 antagonists that bind myristoylated FKBP12-TGF-beta type I receptor fusion proteins. Chemistry & Biology 1998;5(7):385-395. [pubmedpdf]

Stockwell BR, Schreiber SL. Probing the role of homomeric and heteromeric receptor interactions in TGF-beta signaling using small molecule dimerizers. Current Biology 1998;8(13):761-773. [pubmedpdf]


Morgan B, Stockwell BR, Dodds DR, Andrews DR, Sudhakar AR, Nielsen CM, Mergelsberg I, Zumbach A. Chemoenzymatic approaches to SCH 56592, a new azole antifungal. J Amer Oil Chem Soc 1997;74(11):1361-1370. [pubmedpdf]