Bailey, E., Gottesman, M. E., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2021) NusG links transcription and translation in Escherichia coli extracts. Submitted.
Fleisher, R.C.*, Michael, N.*, and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2021) Mechanistic studies of non-canonical amino acid mutagenesis. Methods in Enzymology 656 375-428.
[Link] [PDF] *These authors contributed equally
Kinz-Thompson, C.D., Ray, K.K., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2021) Bayesian inference: The comprehensive approach to analyzing single-molecule experiments. Annual Review of Biophysics 50 (1), 191-208.
[Link] [PDF]
Lerner, E., Barth, A., Hendrix, J., Ambrose, B., Birkedal, V., Blanchard, S. C., ... & Weiss, S. (2021).
FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices. Elife, 10, e60416.
[Link] [PDF]
Gamper, H.*, Li, H.*, Masuda, I., Szanti-Kis, M., Christian, T., Conn, A.B., Blaha, G., Petersson, E.J., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Hou, Y.M. (2021) Insights into Genome Recoding from the Mechanism of a Classic +1-Frameshift-Suppressor tRNA, Nature Communications, 12 (1), 1-18.
[Link] [PDF] [Supp Mat] *These authors contributed equally
Hoffer, E. D., Hong, S., Sunita, S., Maehigashi, T., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Whitford, P. C., and Dunham, C. M. (2020). Structural insights into mRNA reading frame regulation by tRNA modification and slippery codon-anticodon pairing. eLife, 9, e51898. [Link] [PDF]
Hobson, B.D., Kong, L., Hartwick, E.W., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Sims, P.A., (2020) Elongation Inhibitors do not Prevent the Release of Puromycylated Nascent Polypeptide Chains from Ribosomes. eLife, 9, e60048. [Link] [PDF]
Diez, S., Ryu, J., Caban, K., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Dworkin, J., (2020) The alarmones (p)ppGpp directly regulate translation initiation during entry into quiescence. PNAS. 117 (27), 15565-15572. [Link] [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Desai, B.J., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2020) Multiplexed genomic encoding of non-canonical amino acids for labeling large complexes. Nat Chem Biol. 1-7. [Link] [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Haizel, S. A., Bhardwaj, U., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Mitra, S., and Goss, D., (2020) 5'-UTR recruitment of the translation initiation factors eIF4GI or DAP5 drives cap-independent translation of a subset of human mRNAs. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295 (33), 11693-11706. [Link] [PDF] [Supp Mat 1] [Supp Mat 2]
Kaledhonkar, S., Fu, Z., Caban, K., Li, W., Chen, B., Sun, M., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Frank, J., (2019) Late steps in bacterial translation initiation visualized using time-resolved cryo-EM. Nature. 570, 400-404. [Link (paywall)] [Link (non-paywall)]
Hon, J., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2019) Bayesian-estimated hierarchical HMMs enable robust analysis of single-molecule kinetic heterogeneity. Biophysical Journal. 116, 1790-1802. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Fleisher, R. C. , Cornish, V. W., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2018) D-amino acid-mediated translation arrest is modulated by the identity of the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA. Biochemistry. 57, 4241-4246. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Subramanyam, S., Kinz-Thompson, C.D., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Spies, M., (2018) Observation and analysis of RAD51 nucleation dynamics at single-monomer resolution. Methods in Enzymology. 600, 201-232. [PDF]
Kinz-Thompson, C.D. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2018) Increasing the time resolution of single-molecule experiment with bayesian inference. Biophysical Journal. 114, 289-300. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Caban, K., Pavlov, M., Ehrenberg, M., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2017) A conformational switch in initiation factor 2 controls the fidelity of translation initiation in bacteria. Nature Communications. 8, 1475. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2017) Survivor: ribosome edition. The EMBO Journal. e201797518. [PDF]
Vernick, S., Trocchia, S. M., Warren, S. B., Young, E. F., Bouilly, D., Gonzalez, R.L. Jr., Nuckolls, C., and Shepard, K. L., (2017) Electrostatic melting in a single-molecule field-effect transistor with applications in genomic identification. Nature Communications. 8, 15450. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Kinz-Thompson, C.D., Bailey, N.A., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., (2016) Precisely and accurately inferring single-molecule rate constants. Methods in Enzymology. 581. [PDF]
Bouilly, D., Hon, J., Daly, N.S., Trocchia, S., Vernick, S., Yu, J., Warren, S., Wu, Y., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr.*, Shepard, K.L.*, and Nuckolls, C.* (2016) Single-molecule reaction chemistry in patterned nanowells. Nano Letters. 16, 4679-4685. (*Co-corresponding authors) [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Ruehle, M.D., Zhang, H., Sheridan, R.M., Mitra, S., Chen, Y., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Cooperman, B.S., and Kieft, J.S. (2015) A dynamic RNA loop in an IRES affects multiple steps of elongation factor-mediated translation initiation. eLife. 4. [PDF]
Pereira, S.F.F., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Dworkin, J. (2015) Protein synthesis during cellular quiescence is inhibited by phosphorylation of a translational elongation factor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112, 3274-3282. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Chen, B., Kaledhonkar, S., Sun, M., Shen, B., Lu, Z., Barnard, D., Lu, T.-M., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Frank, J. (2015) Structural dynamics of ribosome subunit association studied by mixing-spraying time-solved cryo-EM. Structure. 23, 1097-1105. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as a Preview in Structure, 23, 977-978. [PDF]
Caban, K. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2015) The emerging role of rectified thermal fluctuations in initiator aa-tRNA- and start codon selection during translation initiation. Biochimie. 114, 30-38. [PDF]
Englander, M.T., Avins, J.L., Fleisher, R.C., Liu, B., Effraim, P.R., Wang, J., Schulten, K., Leyh, T.S., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr.* and Cornish, V.W.* (2015) The ribosome can discriminate the chirality of amino acids within its peptidyl-transferase center. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112, 6038-6043. (*Co-corresponding authors) [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as a Microbiology Article Recommendation by Faculty of 1000 [HTML]
Kinz-Thompson, C.D., Sharma, A.K., Frank, J., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Chowdhury, D. (2015) Quantitative connection between ensemble thermodynamics and single-molecule kinetics: A case study using cryogenic electron microscopy and single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer investigations of the ribosome. J. Phys. Chem. B. 119, 10888-10901. [PDF]
Wang, J., Caban, K., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2015) Ribosomal initiation complex-driven changes in the stability and dynamics of initiation factor 2 regulate the fidelity of translation initiation. J. Mol. Biol. 427, 1819-1834. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
MacDougall D.D. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2015) Translation initiation factor 3 regulates switching between different modes of ribosomal subunit joining. J. Mol. Biol. 427, 1801-1818. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Greenfield, M., van de Meent, J.-W., Pavlichin, D.S., Mabuchi, H., Wiggins, C.H., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Herschlag, D. (2015) Single-molecule dataset (SMD): A generalized storage format for raw and processed single-molecule data. BMC Bioinformatics. 16, 3. [PDF]
Kinz-Thompson, C.D. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2014) smFRET studies of the 'encounter' complexes and subsequent intermediate states that regulate the selectivity of ligand binding. FEBS Lett. 588, 3526-3538. [PDF]
Ning, W., Fei, J., and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2014) The ribosome uses cooperative conformational changes to maximize and regulate the efficiency of protein synthesis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111, 12073-12078. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Cheng, L., Mahendran, A., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr.*, and Breslow, R.* (2014) Deoxypolypeptides (DOPPs) Bind and Cleave RN. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111, 7920-7924. (*Co-corresponding authors) [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Kim, H.K-., Liu, F., Fei, J., Bustamante, C., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., and Tinoco, I. (2014) A frameshifting stimulatory stem loop destabilizes the hybrid state and impedes ribosomal translocation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111, 5538-5543. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
van de Meent, J.-W., Bronson, J.E., Wiggins, C. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2014) Empirical Bayes methods enable advanced population-level analyses of single-molecule FRET experiments. Biophys. J. 106, 1327-1337. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Chen, B., Boel, G., Hashem, Y., Ning, W., Fei, J., Wang, C., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Hunt, J.F. and Frank, J. (2014) EttA binds to the tRNA-exit site of the ribosome and regulates translation by restricting ribosome and tRNA dynamics. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 21, 152-159. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as a News and Views Highlight in Nat. Struc. Mol. Biol., 21, 115-116. [PDF]
Boel, G., Smith, P.C., Ning, W., Englander, M.T., Chen, B., Hashem, Y., Testa, A.J., Fischer, J.J., Wieden, H.-J., Frank, J., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Hunt, J.F. (2014) The ABC-F protein EttA gates ribosome entry into the translation elongation cycle. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 21, 143-151. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as a News and Views Highlight in Nat. Struc. Mol. Biol., 21, 115-116. [PDF]
Kinz-Thompson, C.D., Palma, M., Pulukkunat, D.K., Chenet, D., Hone, J., Wind, S.J. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2013) Robustly passivated, gold nanoaperture arrays for single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. ACS Nano. 7, 8158-8166. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
van de Meent, J.-W., Bronson, J.E., Wood, F., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Wiggins, C. (2013) Hierarchically-coupled hidden Markov models for learning kinetic rates from single-molecule data. JMLR W&CP. 28, 361-369. [PDF]
Elvekrog, M.M. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2013) Conformational selection of a translation initiation factor 3 conformer signals proper substrate selection. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 20, 628-33. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Perez, C.E. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2011) In vivo and in vitro single-molecule fluorescence imaging of ribosome-catalyzed protein synthesis. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 15, 853-863. [PDF]
Schepartz, A. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2011) Molecular imaging: sine labore nihil. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 15, 749-751. [PDF]
Fei, J., Richard, A.C., Bronson, J.E. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2011) Transfer RNA-mediated regulation of ribosome dynamics during protein synthesis. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 18, 1043-1052. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
MacDougall, D.D. Fei, J. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2011) Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer investigations of ribosome-catalyzed protein synthesis. Molecular Machines in Biology: Workshop of the Cell, ed. J. Frank, New York, Cambridge University Press. 93-116. [PDF]
MacDougall, D.D. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2011) Exploring the structural dynamics of the translational machinery using single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Ribosomes: Structure, Function, and Dynamics, eds. M. Rodnina, R. Green, W. Wintermeyer, New York, Springer-Verlag. 267-287 [PDF]
Tinoco, I., Jr. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2011) Biological mechanisms, one molecule at a time. Gene Dev, 25, 1205-1231. [PDF]
Palma, M.M., Abramson, J.J., Gorodetsky, A.A., Penzo, E., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Sheetz, M.P., Nuckolls, C., Hone, J. and Wind, S.J. (2011) Selective biomolecular nanoarrays for parallel single-molecule investigations. J Am Chem Soc, 133, 7656-7659. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Sorgenfrei, S., Chiu, C.Y., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Yu, Y.J., Kim, P., Nuckolls, C. and Shepard, K.L. (2011) Label-free single-molecule detection of DNA hybridization kinetics with a carbon nanotube field effect transistor. Nat Nanotechnol, 6, 126-132. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Wang, B., Ho, J., Fei, J., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Lin, Q. (2011) A microfluidic approach for investigating the temperature dependence of biomolecular activity with single-molecule resolution.. Lab Chip, 11, 274-281. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Bronson, J.E., Hofman, J.M., Fei, J., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Wiggins, C. (2010) Graphical models for inferring single molecule dynamics. BMC Bioinformatics, 11, Supp 8, S2. [PDF]
Frank, J. and Gonzalez, R.L, Jr. (2010). Structure and dynamics of a processive Brownian motor: the translating ribosome. Ann Rev Biochem, 79, 381-412. [PDF]
Fei, J., Wang, J., Sternberg, S.H., MacDougall, D.D., Elvekrog, M.M., Pulukkunat, D., Englander, M.T. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2010). A highly-purified, fluorescently-labeled in vitro translation system for single molecule studies of protein synthesis. Methods Enzymol, 472, 221-259. [PDF]
Bronson, J.E., Fei, J., Hofman, J.M. Gonzalez, R.L, Jr.* and Wiggins, C.H.* (2009). Learning rates and states from biophysical time series: A Bayesian approach to model selection and single-molecule FRET data. Biophys J, 97, 3196-3205. (*Co-corresponding authors) [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as one of the Top 5 Most Accessed Articles in Biophys J for December 2009
Effraim, P.R., Wang, J., Englander, M.T., Avins, J., Leyh, T.S.*, Gonzalez, R.L., Jr.* and Cornish, V.W.* (2009). Natural amino acids do not require their native tRNAs for efficient selection by the ribosome. Nat Chem Biol, 5, 947-953. (*Co-corresponding authors) [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Fei, J., Bronson, J.E., Hofman, J.M., Srinivas, R.L., Wiggins, C.H. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2009). Allosteric collaboration between elongation factor G and the ribosomal L1 stalk directs tRNA movements during translation. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA,106, 15702-15707. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as a Science and Technology News Item in Chem. Engn. News, 87, 29 [PDF]
Sternberg, S., Fei, J., Prywes, N., McGrath, K. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2009). Translation factors direct intrinsic ribosome dynamics during translation termination and ribosome recycling. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 16, 861-868. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Featured as a Research Highlight in Nat Chem Biol, 5, 540 [PDF]
Featured as a Science and Technology News Item in Chem. Engn. News, 87, 29 [PDF]
Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2008). Navigating the RNA folding landscape. Nat Chem Biol, 4, 451-452. [PDF]
Fei, J., Kosuri, P., MacDougall, D. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2008). Coupling of ribosomal L1 stalk and tRNA dynamics during translation elongation. Mol Cell, 30, 348-359. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Wang, B., Fei, J., Nguyen,T., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Lin, Q. (2007) Translocation of the ribosome in temperature-controlled microfluidic channels," Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems (MicroTAS '07), pp. 796-798, Paris, France. [PDF]
Wang, B., Fei, J., Nguyen, T., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Lin, Q. (2007) Single-molecule detection in temperature-controlled microchannels," IEEE Int. Conf. Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS '07), pp. 972-976, Bangkok, Thailand. [PDF]
Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Chu, S. and Puglisi, J.D. (2007). Thiostrepton inhibition of tRNA delivery to the ribosome. RNA, 13, 348-359. [PDF]
Dorywalska, M., Blanchard, S.C., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Chu, S. and Puglisi, J.D. (2004). Site-specific labeling of 16S rRNA for single-molecule spectroscopy. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 182-189. [PDF]
Blanchard, S.C., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr., Kim, H.D., Chu, S. and Puglisi, J.D. (2004). tRNA selection and proofreading in translation. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 11, 1008-1014. [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Blanchard, S.C.*, Kim, H.D.*, Gonzalez, R.L., Jr.*, Puglisi, J.D. and Chu, S. (2004). tRNA dynamics on the ribosome during translation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 101, 12893-12898. (*Equal Authorship). [PDF] [Supp Mat]
Lynch, S.R., Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Puglisi, J.D. (2003). Comparison
of X-Ray crystal structure of the 30S subunit-antibioticc omplex with
NMR structure of decoding site oligonucleotide paromomycin complex. Structure, 11, 43-53. [PDF]
Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Tinoco, I. Jr. (2000). NMR spectroscopic techniques for the identification and characterization of metal ion binding sites in RNA. Methods Enzymol, 338, 421-443. [PDF]
Yuen, H-W., Tinoco, I. Jr. and Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. (2000). The effect of magnesium (II) ion and cobalt (III) hexammine ion on an RNA pseudoknot. Berkeley Scientific, 4, 139-143.
Gonzalez, R.L., Jr. and Tinoco, I. Jr. (1999). Solution structure and thermodynamics of a divalent metal ion binding site in an RNA pseudoknot. J Mol Biol, 289, 1267-1282. [PDF]