The Performance Impact of Heavy-Tailed Distributions
Waiting-Time Tail Probabilities in Queues with Long-Tail Service-Time Distributions.
Queueing Systems, vol. 16, 1994, pp. 311-338
(with Joseph Abate and Gagan L. Choudhury).
[published PDF]
Asymptotic Analysis of Tail Probabilities Based on the
Computation of Moments.
Annals of Applied Probability,
vol. 5, 1995, pp. 983-1007
(with Joseph Abate, Gagan L. Choudhury and David M. Lucantoni).
[published PDF]
Asymptotics for M/G/1 Low-Priority Waiting-Time Tail Probabilities.
Proceedings of 34th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,
S. P. Meyn and W. K. Jenkins (eds.) 1996, pp. 923-931
(with Joseph Abate).
An Operational Calculus for Probability Distributions Via Laplace Transforms.
Advances in Applied Probability,
vol. 28, 1996, pp. 75-113. (with Joseph Abate).
[published PDF]
Fitting Mixtures of Exponentials to Long-Tail Distributions to Analyze Network Performance Models.
IEEE Infocom `97,
1997, pp. 1098-1106 (with Anja Feldmann).
[published PDF]
Asymptotics for M/G/1 Low-Priority Waiting-Time Tail Probabilities.
Queueing Systems, vol. 25, 1997, pp. 173-223. (with Joseph Abate).
[published PDF]
Long-Tail Buffer-Content Distributions in Broadband Networks.
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 30, 1997, pp. 177-190.
[published PDF]
Recovery from Congestion in a Large Multi-Server System.
Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age, Proceedings of ITC 15,
V. Ramaswami and P. E. Wirth (eds.), Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1997, pp. 371-380 (with Nicholas G. Duffield).
Control and Recovery from Rare Congestion Events in a Large Multi-Server System.
Queueing Systems, vol. 26, 1997, pp. 69-104 (with Nicholas G. Duffield).
[published PDF]
Fitting Mixtures of Exponentials to Long-Tail Distributions to Analyze Network Performance Models.
Performance Evaluation,
vol. 31, 1998, pp. 245-279 (with Anja Feldmann).
[published PDF]
A Source Traffic Model and its Transient Analysis for Network Control.
Stochastic Models, vol. 14, Nos. 1 and 2, 1998, pp. 51-78 (with Nicholas G. Duffield).
Modeling Service-Time Distributions with Non-Exponential Tails: Beta Mixtures of Exponentials.
Stochastic Models, vol. 15, No. 3, 1999, pp. 517-546 (with Joseph Abate).
Predicting Queueing Delays.
Management Science, vol. 45, No. 6, June 1999, pp. 870-888.
[published PDF]
Dynamic Staffing in a Telephone Call Center Aiming to Immediately Answer All Calls.
Operations Research Letters, vol. 24, June 1999, pp. 205-212.
Explicit M/G/1 Waiting-Time Distributions for a Class of Long-Tail Service-Time Distributions.
Operations Research Letters, vol. 25, No. 1, August 1999, pp. 25-31. (with Joseph Abate)
[published PDF]
Infinite-Series Representations of Laplace Transforms of Probability Density Functions for Numerical Inversion.
Journal of Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 42, No. 3,
September 1999, pp. 268-285.
[published PDF]
Partitioning Customers into Service Groups.
Management Science,
vol. 45, No. 11, November 1999, pp. 1579-1592.
[published PDF]
Computing Laplace Transforms for Numerical Inversion Via Continued Fractions.
INFORMS Journal on Computing, vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 1999, pp. 394-405. (with Joseph Abate)
[published PDF]
A Nonstationary Offered-Load Model for Packet Networks.
Telecommunication Systems
(with Nicholas G. Duffield and William A. Massey).
Network Design and Control Using On-Off and Multi-Level Source Traffic Models with Heavy-Tailed Distributions.
Chapter in Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation, Kihong Park and Walter Willinger, eds. (with Nicholas G. Duffield).
An Overview of Brownian and Non-Brownian FCLTs for Single-Server Queues.
Queueing Systems, vol. 36, November 2000, pp. 39-70.
Limits for Cumulative Input Processes to Queues.
Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences,
vol. 14, 2000, pp. 123-150.
The M/G/1 Processor-Sharing Queue with Long and Short Jobs.
Unpublished report.
The Impact of a Heavy-Tailed Service-Time Distribution Upon the M/GI/s Waiting-Time Distribution.
Queueing Systems, vol. 36, November 2000, pp. 71-87.
[published PDF]
Heavy-Tailed Buffer-Content Distributions with Generalized-Processor-Sharing
Unpublished report.
The Reflection Map with Discontinuities.
Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 26, No. 3, 2001,
pp. 447-484.
BOOK: Stochastic-Process Limits, published by Springer in 2002 (602 pages).
Internet Supplement to the Book, published by Springer in 2002 (602 pages).
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