Carri W. Chan

John A. Howard Professor of Business
Faculty Director, Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Management Program
Columbia Business School
Henry R. Kravis Hall, Room 921
665 W 130th Street, New York, NY 10027
Email: cwchan AT columbia DOT edu
Phone: (212)854-1609
Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am the John A. Howard Professor of Business in the Division of Decision, Risk, and Operations and the Faculty Director of the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Management Program at Columbia Business School. My primary research interests are in data-driven modeling of complex stochastic systems, dynamic optimization, and queueing with applications in health-care operations management. My work combines empirical approaches with mathematical modeling to develop evidence-based approaches to improving healthcare delivery.

I completed my PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. I did my undergraduate studies at MIT


Select Honors and Awards
