Optimization II
From the course textbook:
Network flows is an exciting field that brings together what many
students, practitioners, and researchers like best about the
mathematical and computational sciences. It couples deep intellectual
content with a remarkable range of applicability, covering literally
thousands of applications in such wide-ranging fields as chemistry
and physics, computer networking, most branches of engineering,
manufacturing, public policy and social systems, scheduling and
routing, telecommunications, and transportation. It is classical,
dating from the work of Gustav Kirchhoff, and other eminent physical
scientists of the last century, and yet vibrant and current, bursting
with new results and new approaches.
This class will cover algorithms for network flow and related
problems. We will cover both classical results and modern
state-of-the-art algorithms for a number of network flow problems
including the shortest paths, maximum flow, minimum cut, minimum cost
flow, matching and multicommodity flow problems. The focus will be on
learning about a number of different algorithmic techniques that have
proved fruitful in this, and other areas. We will also discuss
applications and related problems.
Course Announcements
Final is on 5/10 at 9AM-12PM. You can bring three pages of notes
on an
8.5 by 11 inch piece of paper, writing on both sides. It is cumulative.
Midterm will be on March 22, from 9:30-11:30 AM. You can bring one page of notes on an
8.5 by 11 inch piece of paper, writing on both sides. It covers all the material so far.