G5212 is the second semester course in the microeconomics sequence for the MA program. It consists of two halves: Game Theory (first half) and Information Economics (second half). Please email me if you spot any typos.
Syllabus Part 1 Syllabus Part 2
GAME THEORY: Lecture 1 (Intro) Lecture 2 (Dominance) Lecture 3 (Rationalizability) Lecture 4 (Nash 1) Lecture 5 (Nash 2) Lecture 6 (Dynamic Games 1) Lecture 7 (Dynamic Games 2) Lecture 8 (Bargaining adn Repeated Games) Lecture 9 (Bayesian Games) Lecture 10 (Auctions) Lecture 11 (Weak Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium)
ADVERSE SELECTION: Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4
SIGNALLING: Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3
Columbia University, Rm 1031, International Affairs Bld, 420 W. 118th St., New York, NY, 10027, USA
+1 212 854 3669