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Call Number Browse


Call Number Browse searches will place you in the call number browsing index at the nearest match to the number you have entered. From there you can browse forward or back through the call numbers and select an individual title by clicking on the title or record number. A Call Number search locates an item by a unique identification number, which reflects the  item's first subject heading, and indicates the location on the shelf where the item can be found.

The most often used call number type is Library of Congress (LC). You can use a Call Number Browse or a Call Number Exact search for LC call numbers.

Use a Call Number Exact search for the following:

Bullet  Dewey Decimal call numbers.
Bullet  Local call number systems (such as that used by the Avery Library).
Bullet  Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) numbers used for U.S. government documents.
Bullet  Microform call numbers.

Search Strategies

Select Call Number Browse from the search options and enter as much of the number as you know. Complete or partial numbers may be entered. Enter spaces and decimal points where they exist in the call number. Letters can be entered in lower case.

Boolean Searches and Search Limits do not function in a Call Number Search.

BulletSearch:  GV1637 .M44
BulletFinds: GV1637 .M44 F
  GV1637 .N6 1990z
  GV1637 .S83 1988
  GV1638 .B34 P37 2002g

Materials on a particular subject may be retrieved by a general call number search. For example, to retrieve a list of books on business ethics, search the call number HF5387. This will retrieve a list of all materials in the libraries that begin with this call number.

BulletSearch:  hf5387
BulletFinds: HF5387.a37
  HF5387.a53 1994

When you have found the record for an item in CLIO, you may click on the call number in the record to get a list of records for items with similar call numbers.


If you would like further assistance, Ask a Librarian for help.