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My Library Account

The My Library Account screen displays information about your account as a CLIO user, including: Personal Information, Patron Blocks, Items you have Checked Out, Items you have Requested, and Fines and Fees. To access My Library Account you must supply your patron University Network ID (uni) and password at the Login screen.

Personal Information

Contains your name and address and telephone number. If this information is not correct, please contact the Library Information Office with the correct information. Students should also report address changes to their Registrar, and staff and officers should report address changes to the Human Resources Office.


Click here for more information on My CLIO.


Click here for more information on Bookbag.

Saved Searches

Click here for more information on Saved Searches.

Patron Blocks

Contains information about why your borrowing privileges have been suspended, if applicable. Your borrowing privileges will be suspended if:

Bullet You owe in excess of $299 in outstanding fines or fees, or
Bullet You fail to return a recalled item by the new "recall due date", or
Bullet You fail to return a book borrowed via Interlibrary Loan or Borrow Direct.

Checked Out Items

Contains a list of items checked out to you with the corresponding due dates, item information (such as title, enumeration, chronology) and status (checked out, recalled, etc.).

To renew a checked out item, click in the Renew? check box beside the item and then click the Renew Items button at the bottom. To uncheck the Renew? check boxes, click the Reset button. You may renew an item up to 10 times from the original check out date unless another borrower has requested it, it is needed for reserves, or your borrowing privileges are suspended. Milstein items may only be renewed once. To avoid fines and fees, return or renew items promptly.

Request Information

Contains information about items for which you have placed a hold or recall. This section can display 2 list boxes, if they are applicable: Requests Pending and Items Available. Requests Pending contains the Title of the requested item, and the date the request expires (Expiration). Items Available informs you if any requested items are available. Items Available contains the Title, the date the availability expires (Expiration), and the location for pickup (Pickup Location).

You may cancel any pending or available request that displays in the Request Information section of the Patron Information. To cancel a pending or available request, click in the Cancel? check box beside the item and then click the Cancel Requests button. To unselect a Cancel? check box, click in the check box again. To unselect all of the Cancel? check boxes, click the Reset button.

Fines and Fees

Contains monetary charges you have accrued, with the total amount due listed at the top. Also included: the Date the charge was assessed or paid, a Title if applicable, the type of charge or payment (Fee/Posting Type), how much charged (Fee), payments made (Posting), and balance (Balance).


Always remember to Logout when you are finished using My Library Account by clicking on the Logout button at the top or bottom of the page.


If you would like further assistance, Ask a Librarian for help.