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Recall an item that is checked out

You may place a Recall request for an item that is checked out to another user; see "how to" instructions below.  All items are subject to recall from all library borrowers.  We will make every attempt to have the item returned.  When available, you will be notified and the item will be held for you for 10 days at the circulation desk of the library to which you request that it be delivered for pick up.

There may be more than one recall request placed on the same item.  Multiple requests for the same item will be processed in the order received, and in such instances, each requestor will be allowed to borrow the book for a two week period.

You will not be able to place a request if your borrowing privileges have been suspended for any reason. Items recalled for Course Reserves take precedence over personal requests.

 The following items may not be requested:

Bullet items currently on reserves
Bullet items that do not circulate
Bullet items that circulate for less than two weeks*
Bullet items that are not checked out.



Search for the item in CLIO.  If the CLIO records shows that the item is checked out, follow the steps below to place your request.

1. Click the "Recall/ Other Requests" button on the menu bar at top
2. Log in using your UNI and password
3. Select "Place a Recall" or "Place a Hold" from the box at the foot of the screen and click "OK"
  • A RECALL will generate a notice to the current borrower asking that s/he return the item in 14 days or by the current due date, whichever comes first.
  • A HOLD will not generate a notice to the current borrower, but will prevent the item from being renewed.  Note: if you place a Hold and another person places a subsequent Recall, their recall will take precedence over your hold.
  • You may not place a request on an item that is not checked out.
4. Select "Any Copy" or the specific copy.
Selecting "Any Copy" will place a request on all copies of the item if more than one copy exists and all are checked out. Selecting a particular copy will place the request only on the selected copy.
5. Enter your UNI in the required field (this 2d entry is for your security)
6. Select the Circulation Desk at which you would like to pick up the item. IF NO SELECTION IS MADE, THE RECALLED ITEM WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE BUTLER CIRCULATION DESK. This selection cannot be changed once your request is submitted.  Some material (e.g. music scores and recordings) can only be delivered to the owning library.
7. Indicate the time after which the item will no longer be needed (default is 30 days).  If you are placing a HOLD, change the default to extend through the due date.
8. Click on the "Submit" button.

 Log in to "My Library Account" to check the status of pending requests or to cancel a request.

*Music recordings may be recalled by Officers.

Alternative Options to Requesting a Recall


 You may search other library catalogs to see if the item you need is available in another local area library, or you may request the item via the Libraries' BorrowDirect service.

 Please direct additional questions about the recall service to the circulation staff at any library.

If you would like further assistance, Ask a Librarian for help.