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Search Results

I. Headings List

Author, Author (sorted by title), Subject Heading and Uniform Title searches result in a Headings List. The heading that matches most closely appears first in the list.

The Titles column of the Headings List shows the number of catalog records for each heading. 

Click on a heading to get the Titles List.  From the Titles List you may then go to an individual catalog record by clicking on the title.  If 0 (zero) appears in the Titles column, and the heading is not clickable,  you should click on the More Info button next to the heading number to be referred to information that will help you get all relevant or related catalog records. This information may contain the standardized form of a heading, related headings and/or a scope note that defines the use of the heading. In most instances, you can click on the heading provided to do a search on this heading.

Your search strategy is displayed at the top of the Headings List.

50 entries per page are displayed in the Headings List.

Headings List Options:

Bullet Move backward and forward in the pages of the list by clicking on the Previous or Next buttons at the top or bottom of the page.
Bullet Click on the More Info button to see the standardized form of a heading, related headings or a scope note.
Bullet Do a new search by clicking New Search button at the top of the page.

II. Titles List

Title or Journal Title, Keyword, Guided Keyword and Call Number Browse or Exact searches produce a Titles List, a list of catalog records retrieved. Click on the title to go from this list to the catalog record for an individual item. 

The Titles List produced by a Call Number Browse search is similar to a Headings List in that it places you in a browsable index of titles arranged by call number, with the call number that most closely matches your search at the top of the list.

The retrieved Titles List may contain up to 10,000 items. (Results beyond the first 10,000 are not included.)

Your search strategy and the number of results produced by the search are displayed on the top of the Titles List search results page.

Titles List Options:

Bullet Refine your search by clicking on the Post Limit button. Limits stay in effect until they are removed by clicking on the Clear Limits button.
Bullet Sort retrieved records by author, title, publication date (newest or oldest first) by using the Re-sort Results By option at the top left of the list. Click on the arrow at the end of the box to get a drop-down menu of options. Click on the preferred option. The list will be automatically re-sorted.
Bullet Move backward and forward in the titles list pages by clicking on the Previous or Next buttons at the top or bottom of the page.
Bullet Make your selection(s) on the Titles List and Print, Save or Email by clicking on the appropriate button at the bottom of the page.
Bullet Do a new search by clicking New Search button at the top of the page.

III. Results Lists Displays

The order of the columns in the results lists varies according to the type of search done.

  Search Type Results List Columns
Bullet Keyword #,  full title, author, imprint
Bullet Title* #, title heading, full title, author, imprint
Bullet Journal Title #, title heading,  full title, imprint
Bullet Author #, author heading, full title, imprint
Bullet Subject Heading #, subject heading, full title, author, imprint
Bullet Call Number Exact #, call number, author, full title, imprint
Bullet Call Number Browse #, call number, author, full title, imprint
Bullet Uniform Title (Anonymous works, series) #, uniform title heading, full title, imprint
Bullet Author (results grouped by title) #, author heading,  title heading, imprint, type
Bullet Keyword (relevance ranked) #, relevance, full title, author, imprint
* In the Title search results display there are two title columns: Title and Full Title. In the Title column you will find the  title heading of the item which corresponds to the search terms you've entered. The search results are listed alphabetically within this column. In the Full Title column you will find the title proper of the item. You can use the Sort by Title option to sort results alphabetically by the title proper, i.e. within the Full Title column.

IV. Item Availability

If a library holds one copy of the item, the library name, call number, and availability status is displayed in the titles list. For a full description of the item, click the number in the # column to retrieve the record.

Multiple Holdings
If a library holds multiple copies of the item or if multiple libraries hold the item, click on the number in the # column to retrieve the record. The record will display with the location and availability status for each copy.


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