Claw-free Graphs
The Structure of Claw-free Graphs
( with Paul Seymour), Surveys in Combinatirics 2005,
London Math Soc Lecture Note Series, 327, 153-171
The Roots of The Stable Set Polynomial of a
Claw-free Graph ( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 97 (2007), 350-357
Claw-free Graphs I. Orientable prismatic graphs
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 97 (2007), 867-901
Claw-free Graphs II. Non-orientable prismatic graphs
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 98 (2008), 249-290
Claw-free Graphs III. Circular Interval Graphs
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 98 (2008), 812-834
Claw-free Graphs IV. Decomposition theorem
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 98 (2008), 839-938
Claw-free Graphs V. Global structure
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 98 (2008), 1373-1410
Claw-free Graphs VI. Coloring claw-free graphs.
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 100 (2010), 560-572
Claw-free Graphs VII. Quasi-line graphs
( with Paul Seymour), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 102 (2012), 1267-1294
Coloring quasi-line graphs
( with Alexandra Ovetsky), Journal of Graph Theory,
54(2007), 41-50
Hadwiger's conjecture for quasi-line
( with Alexandra Ovetsky Fradkin),
Journal of Graph Theory 59 (2008), 17-33
An approximate version of Hadwiger's
conjecture for claw-free graphs
( with Alexandra Ovetsky Fradkin),
Journal of Graph Theory, 63 (2010), 259-278
Claw-free graphs with strongly perfect
complements.Fractional and integral version. Part I. Basic graphs
( with Bernard Ries and Yori Zwols),
Discrete Applied Math, 159(2011), 1971-1995
Claw-free graphs with strongly perfect
complements.Fractional and integral version. Part II. Nontrivial strip
( with Bernard Ries and Yori Zwols),
Discrete Applied Math, 159(2011), 1996-2029
Growing without cloning
( with Paul Seymour), SIDMA, 26 (2012), 860-880
A local strengthening of Reed's ω, Δ, χ
conjecture for quasi-line graphs
( with Andrew D. King, Matthieu Plumettaz and Paul Seymour), SIDMA, 27 (2013), 95-108
Optimal anti-thickenings of claw-free graphs
( with Andrew D. King), submitted for publication
The structure of claw-free perfect graphs
( with Matthieu Plumettaz),
Journal of Graph Theory, 75 (2014), 203-230
On the Erdos-Lovasz Tihany Conjecture for Claw-Free Graphs
( with Matthieu Plumettaz and Alexandra Fradkin),
submitted for publication
Bull-free Graphs
The structure of bull-free graphs I---
three-edge paths with centers and anticenters
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B,
102 (2012), 233-251
The structure of bull-free graphs II and III---
a summary
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B,
102 (2012), pp. 252-282
The structure of bull-free graphs II---
elementary trigraphs
The structure of bull-free graphs III---
global structure
Excluding induced subdivisions of the bull and
related graphs ( with Irena Penev, Alex Scott and Nicolas
Trotignon) Journal of Graph Theory, 71 (2012): 49-68
The structure of bull-free perfect graphs
( with Irena Penev) Journal of Graph Theory, 74 (2013), 1-31
Coloring with forbidden induced subgraphs
Three steps towards Gyarfas' conjecture ,
( with Alex Scott and Paul Seymour),
submitted for publication
Coloring graphs with forbidden induced subgraphs,
Procedings of the ICM, 2014
4-coloring P6-free graphs with no induced 5-cycles
( with Peter Maceli, Juraj Stacho and Mingxian Zhong),
submitted for publication
Other papers on forbidden induced subgraphs
Wheel-free planar graphs,
( with Pierre Aboulker, Paul Seymour and Nicolas Trotgnon)
submitted for publication
Large cliques and stable sets in undirected graphs ,
Geometry, Structure and Randomness in Combinatorics,
Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore / CRM Series,
(eds: J. Matousek, J. Nesetril and M. Pellegrini), Edizioni della Normale
Excluding pairs of graphs
( with Alex Scott and Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 106(2014), 15-29
Graphs with no induced five-vertex path or antipath ,
( with L. Esperet, L. Lemoine, P. Maceli, F. Maffray and I. Penev),
submitted for publication
Cliques in the union of graphs
( with Ron Aharoni,Eli Berger and Juba Ziani),
submitted for publication
Simplicial vertices in graphs with no induced four-edge path or four-edge antipath, and the H_6-conjecture
( with Peter Maceli),
Journal of Graph Theory, 76 (2014), 249-261
Excluding a near-clique and a near-anticlique
( with Sergey Norin, Bruce Reed and Paul Seymour),
to appear in SIDMA
Rao's conjecture on degree sequences
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 105 (2014), 44-92
Substitution and χ-boundedness ( with Irena Penev, Alex Scott and Nicolas
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 103 (2013), 567-586
$K_4$-free graphs with no odd holes
( with N. Robertson, P.Seymour and R. Thomas),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 100 (2010), 313-331
Excluding induced subgraphs
( with Paul Seymour), Surveys in Combinatirics 2007,
London Math Soc Lecture Note Series, 346, 99-119
Bisimplicial vertices in even-hole-free graphs
( with L. Addario-Berry, F. Havet, B. Reed and P. Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 98 (2008), 1119-1164
Solution of three problems of Cornuejols
( with Paul Seymour), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B,
98 (2008), 116-135
Algorithms for detecting induced subgraphs
Detecting and induced net subdivision
( with P. Seymour and N. Trotignon),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 103 (2013), 643-641
Detecting Even Holes
( with K. Kawarabayashi and P. Seymour),
Journal of Graph Theory 48(2005), 85-111
The three-in-a-tree problem
( with Paul Seymour),
Combinatorica, 30 (2010), 387-417
Detecting a theta or a prism
( with Rohan Kapadia),
SIAM Journal on Discrete Math 22(2008), 1164-1186
A paper related to the Caccetta-Haggkvist Conjecture
Cycles in dense digraphs
( with Paul Seymour and Blair Sullivan),
Combinatorica 28(2008), 1-18
The Erdos-Hajnal Conjecture
Excluding Paths and Antipaths
( with Paul Seymour),
to appear in Combinatorica
The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture---A Survey
Journal of Graph Theory, 75 (2014), 178-190
Extending the Gyarfas-Sumner conjecture
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 105 (2014), 11-16
Large cliques or stable sets in
graphs with no four-edge path and no five-edge path in
the complement
( with Yori Zwols),
Journal of Graph Theory, 70 (2012), 449-472
The Erdos-Hajnal Conjecture for bull-free
( with Shmuel Safra),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 98 (2008), 1301-1310
Tournaments with near-linear transitive subsets
( with Krzysztof Choromanski and Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 109 (2014), 228-249
Forcing Large Transitive Subtournaments
( with Eli Berger and Krzysztof Choromanski),
to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B
A counterexample to a conjecture of
( with Felix Brandt, Ilhee Kim, Gaku Liu, Sergey Norin, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour
and Stephan Thomasse),
Social Choice and Welfare, 40 (2013), 739-743
Tournaments and Coloring
( with Eli Berger, Krzysztof Choromanski, Jacob
Fox, Martin Loebl, Alex Scott, Paul Seymour and Stephan Thomasse),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 103 (2013), 1-20
Disjoint paths in tournaments
( with Alex Scott and Paul Seymour),
to appear in Advances in Mathematics
Tournament immersion and cutwidth
( with Alexandra Fradkin and Paul Seymour),
to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B,
A well-quasi-order for tournaments
( with Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 101 (2011), 47-53
Disjoint dijoins
( with Katherine Edwards, Ringi Kim, Alex Scott and Paul Seymour),
( submitted for publication )
Immersion in four-edge-connected graphs
( with Zdenek Dvorak, Tereza Klimosova and Paul Seymour)
( submitted for publication )
Edge-coloring 7-regular planar graphs
( with Katherine Edwards, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi and Paul Seymour)
( submitted for publication )
Edge-coloring 8-regular planar graphs
( with Katherine Edwards, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi and Paul Seymour)
( submitted for publication )
Lines in hypergraphs
( with L.Beaudou, A.Bondy, X.Chen, E.Chiniforooshan, V. Chvatal,
N. Fraiman, and Y. Zwols)
( Combinatorica, 33 (2013), 633-654 )
A De Bruijn-Erdos theorem for chordal
( with L.Beaudou, A.Bondy, X.Chen, E.Chiniforooshan, V. Chvatal,
N. Fraiman, and Y. Zwols)
( submitted for publication )
Analyzing the performance of greedy maximal
scheduling via local pooling and graph theory (conference version)
( with Berk Birand, Paul Seymour, Bernard Ries, Gil Zussman and Yori
Zwols, ( IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 20 (2012),163--176. )
Packing seagulls
( with Paul Seymour),
Combinatorica, 32 (2012), 251-282
Finding minimum clique capacity
( with Sang-il Oum and Paul Seymour),
Combinatorica, 32 (2012), 283-287
The edge density for K_{2,t} minors
( with Bruce Reed and Paul Seymour),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 101 (2011), 18-46
Perfect matchings in planar cubic graphs
( with Paul Seymour), Combinatorica, (2012), 403-424
Non-zero A-paths in graphs with edges labeled by group elements
( with Jim Geelen, Bert Gerards, Luis Goddyn, Michael Lohman, and
Paul Seymour), Combinatorica, 26(2006), 521-532
An algorithm for packing non-zero $A$-paths in group-labeled graphs
( with William H. Cunningham and Jim Geelen),
Combinatorica 28(2008), 145-161
Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs I : claw-free graphs
( with Flavia Bonomo and Guillermo Duran),
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (2008), 1058-1082
Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs II : diamond-free and
Helly circular-arc graphs
( with Flavia Bonomo and Guillermo Duran),
to appear in Discrete Mathematics